With students and faculty at home during COVID-19, it's an optimal time for work on school construction projects – only if needed federal funding is received in a timely manner, New York City's School Construction Authority president and CEO said May 7.



The $2 trillion federal stimulus package—called the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act—was signed into law March 27. It can benefit engineering and construction firms, and their client companies, through provisions for small-business loans and tax breaks.


根据机构发言人Kevin Ortiz的说法,3月下旬,权威“暂停了”670个项目。新利18备用网址他告诉恩德,建设在城市项目中恢复了五所学校,总计3.32亿美元。新利18备用网址新利18备用

"I haven’t missed an opening day in 10 years, and I don’t intend to start now,” Grillo said, noting that the city needs architects, engineers and designers to “rethink” how its schools and restaurants will look as a result of the virus.

Redesigning safe computer stations and more modern cafeterias that are easy to clean top the agency's innovation priority list, and schools need to reconfigure office spaces as well where employees sit near each other

除了纽约市纽约市纽约市部门的专员的学校之外,另一个优先事项是代理人的东侧沿海弹性项目,估计为下曼哈顿东侧的125亿美元 - 联邦风暴保护努力。


Sewer and water projects in South East Queens also are top concerns, she said.
