总建筑工作负载降至净平衡of -12% in the first quarter of this year, according to the Q1 2020 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)/Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) US Construction and Infrastructure Survey.

在2019年第四季度报告的净余额为 +45%的净余额之后。

"It is not a surprise that the feedback received regarding current workloads has turned modestly negative given the rising impact of COVID-19 on the wider economy during the period the field work was conducted," says Simon Rubinsohn, chief economist at RICS. "New business inquiries are flatlining and payment delays rising."

私人工业和商业工作量的下降最大,而公共工作则更具弹性。据报道,基础设施的净余额为 +5%,低于上一次调查中的 +54%。调查受访者指出,建筑活动在通信和机场部门中增加了,但道路和铁路工作急剧下降。

鲁宾松说:“接下来的12个月的前景相当平坦。”受访者预计基础设施的净余额为 +5%,非基础设施工作负载为零。

"Partly this can be explained by the toll the hit to business sentiment will exert on private investment in structures," Rubinsohn notes. "But this is likely to be compounded by pressure on state and local budgets in the face of lost revenues and rising costs."