
Boston officials laid out plans for a gradual resumption in a wide range of construction activity by the end of May, with restrictions lifted incrementally over the course of the month. The rollout will culminate on May 26 when contractors, developers and project owners can resume a wide range of projects, such as condo towers, deemed non-essential in the city's COVID-19stop-work order于3月16日发布。


Frank Callahan, president of the Massachusetts Building Trades Council, which represents 75,000 workers across the state, praised the decision, noting the incremental nature of the relaunch of construction in Boston is needed given the still large level of uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus epidemic. “Like we have been saying all along, we want to get back to work as quickly as possible, with the caveat being that it has to be safe,” Callahan said, adding the coronavirus curve “looks like it is flattening.”

On May 18, city officials will allow work to resume on hospitals, public schools, and small residential projects involving three units or less, as well as road and utility work and outdoor work on other projects that involves steel erection, the pouring of concrete foundations and roofing.


“This incremental approach will provide the time necessary to allow complex, large-scale development an opportunity to educate their workforce, remobilize safely, and implement their site-specific safety plan,” Patrick Brophy, chief of operations in the mayor’s office, wrote in a letter to contractors and union officials.

波士顿的建筑重新启动计划于5月5日开始,由市政官员给承包商和工会官员的来信,通知他们,现场可能会开始准备供工人返回。波士顿市长马丁·沃尔什(Martin J.

Under安全措施laid out in advance last week by Boston officials, contractors looking to restart projects must have submitted approved safety plans and signed affidavits pledging to adhere to social distancing and other virus prevention measures.


在回顾submi安全计划tted by contractors, city officials have said they are not only looking for measures like temperature checks of workers as they arrive, but also plans to ask workers “probing questions” related to their health, such as whether they feel sick, have been coughing or experiencing other potential COVID-19 symptoms.

A coronavirus testing station for the Boston construction industry will be set up at a school downtown, and staffed by Tufts Medical Center.

Boston’s decision in mid-March to关闭construction came amid an epic building boom in the city. There were 97 different active construction projects across the city before the ban went into place, for a total of more than 21 million sq ft of new or renovated residential, office and commercial space, according to the Boston Planning and Development Agency.

工会官员一直是波士顿紧急建设项目除外的强大支持者。新利18备用网址但是,在敦促会员本月早些时候不show up为了在马萨诸塞州其他城市新利18备用网址和社区的项目中工作,画家和木匠工会最近向他们的成员提供了一个全面的待遇,以返回其工作现场。

In particular, both unions worked out agreements with contractors that involved ramped up safety and social distancing protections for workers, Callahan said.

Still, some Massachusetts construction workers appear to have sidestepped the restrictions, driving to nearby Connecticut to找工作on projects there, according to the Hartford Business Journal.

While acknowledging that some union members may have been unhappy over the shutdowns, Callahan indicated he did not believe that large numbers of construction workers left the state to seek work elsewhere. “Just like the general public, there were some members that were not happy about it and wanted to go to work, but I don’t think that impacted the decision,” Callahan said.

Tamara Small, CEO of NAIOP Massachusetts, which represents project owners and developers across the state, said her organization is pleased to see Boston preparing to restart construction.

