
紫色的线交通构造函数s (PLTP) , which includes Fluor Corp., Lane Construction Corp. and Traylor Bros. Inc, said in a May 1陈述that it has been “unable to obtain the time and cost relief to which it is entitled” from the Maryland Dept. of Transportation and the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) to address a combination of factors that added more than a year and $500 million to the 16-mile, 21-station project across northern suburbs of Washington, D.C. that will link to existing rail lines.


Fluor is also a partner with Meridiam and Star America in Purple Line Transit Partners, the development consortium overseeing project design, construction and operation under a 36-year concession with Maryland.

Purple Line Transit Partners发言人John Undeland说:“正如州长[Larry] Hogan和MTA最近所说,Purple Line是北美最大的运输项目之一,PLTP仍然完全致力于追求友好解决方案的谈判新利18备用网址为了使这个关键的公交项目完成,运营并交付给马里兰州的公民。”

紫色的线交通构造函数s had last month sought an additional $188 million to cover revisions to a crash wall design required by CSX Transportation, and suggested that continuing construction while complying with COVID-19 health and safety requirements could lead to a force majeure claim.



“Regretfully, [the consortium] simply cannot complete the project under these circumstances,” said Scott Risley, project director.

Within days of the Purple Line Transit Constructors announcement, Fitch Ratings cited the Purple Line’s “heightened completion risk” in downgrading ratings for two of the project’s primary financing instruments—including approximately $313 million worth of state-issued private activity bonds and the $875 million Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA).


The P3 team statement noted that an exit clause in its contract allows the consortium to withdraw if total delays reach 365 days and negotiations have been under way with the two state agencies to resolve these issues for nearly three years. The agencies have previously suggested that some of the consortium's schedule and cost problems were self-inflicted.


