New Trump administration guidelines that tighten eligibility, retroactively, for the much-in-demand Paycheck Protection Program loans have sparked significant worries among member companies of a major construction contractor group. A leading engineering organization also has concerns about the PPP changes.

美国联合总承包商首席执行官史蒂芬·桑德尔(Stephen E. Sandherrnew Treasury and Small Business Administration guidance, issued April 28, has caused "severe and urgent" concerns among AGC members. He urged Mnuchin to issue revised guidelines quickly.


AGC members' worry is whether they meet the new guidelines—with the changes coming more than three weeks after the loan program was formally launched.

Sandherr said in his letter, “If the latest guidance disqualifies AGC borrowers for program loans, they will have to pay the loans back and exhaust their cash and lines of credit, and the pandemic’s ultimate impact on their operations will be that much more severe.”



Jeff Urbanchuk, a spokesman for the American Council of Engineering Companies, said via email that the provisions Treasury added in the FAQ are "causing concern and confusion among firms about the loan program." Urbanchuk said, "They need to release full guidance to create certainty among industry."

当SBA 4月3日开始接受PPP申请时,请求涌入。《 Cares Act》对该计划的3490亿美元分配已在4月16日(该计划启动仅13天)之前消失。


Meanwhile, reports surfaced that large companies such as the Shake Shack restaurant chain applied for and received PPP loans.

The program was aimed at smaller companies, and the CARES Act set a workforce threshold of 500. But the statute allowed companies with multiple offices that each were below the 500-worker level to submit multiple applications.

报告引发了批评,许多小妈妈and-pop entities weren't getting PPP dollars. Shake Shack and some other PPP borrowers said they would return the money from the PPP loans.








Sandherr said, “While AGC borrowers want and intend to ensure that they are in full compliance with this guidance, they find themselves at a complete loss to determine whether they are.”

He added, “Just how does the federal government want or intend them to assess ‘their ability to access other sources of liquidity’?"

Some of the PPP criticism has centered on companies that are publicly held and thus could raise funds by selling stock. But Sandherr noted that “very few if any” AGC member firms are in that category.


AGC发言人Brian Turmail通过电子邮件告诉ENR,“我新利18备用们有很多成员问问题,[谁]绝对非常担心。”他说,他还没有听说过任何AGC成员尚未退还PPP资金。


建造companies received more round-one PPP dollars than any industry, with $44.9 billion.

Many AGC member companies were among the successful loan applicants in that first round. An AGC survey of its members, conducted April 20-23, showed that 44% of the 849 firms responding to the survey said they had received funds from PPP loans.
