
The Small Business Administration’s lending window opened for PPP’s round two on April 27. By 1 p.m. the next day, SBA reported that it had approved nearly 476,000 loans totaling $52.2 billion in what it termed “PPP2.” For borrowers still in the queue, the math was scary. At that rate, the round two funds would be gone in less than a week.



The program was formally launched on April 3, and from the start was flooded with requests from companies and nonprofit organizations. All $349 billion was gone by the end of April 16. The program also was criticized for loans that went to large, publicly traded companies.




A National Utility Contractors Association survey, conducted at about the same time as AGC’s, shows that 61% of responding member companies said they had applied for a PPP loan. As of April 23, 55% said they had not yet received the loan funds; 34% reported that they had gotten the money. About two-thirds of the firms applied for PPP loans through their local banks, the NUCA survey said. One-third applied through branches national banks.

The loan program also has been popular among engineering firms, which fall under a SBA non-construction category. About 72% of American Council of Engineering Companies member firms responding to a recent survey had applied for a PPP loan and 14% planned to apply.“This underscores the program’s critical importance during the coronavirus crisis,” ACEC spokesman Jeff Urbanchuk told ENR.

银行说,由于SBA在线系统的问题,PPP的第二轮开始了颠簸。美国首席执行官独立社区银行家丽贝卡·罗梅罗·雷尼(Rebecca Romero Rainey)于4月27日表示,她的团队成员银行“发现自己被踢出了[SBA]系统”。她补充说:“当客户最需要他们时,社区银行被锁定是不可接受的。”

美国银行家协会首席执行官罗布·尼科尔斯(Rob Nichols)在当天的Twitter帖子中说,银行对无法访问[SBA的}系统感到非常沮丧。尼科尔斯(Nichols)在4月28日发推文时说:“各种规模的银行整夜都在处理PPP贷款,几乎没有成功。”

SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza acknowledged the day one slowdown, citing “unprecedented demand” for loan approvals in a Twitter post. She said more than twice the number of users were getting on the system that day than in any day of round one of PPP.