With COVID-19 economic slowdowns, and the resulting drop in demand for oil, gas and electricity, the outlook for traditional energy sector growth and capital investment is dim, if not outright grim. But even with cratered oil and gas prices, renewable energy is emerging as a sector on the move.

“This is a magnitude unlike anything we’ve planned around,” says Deepa Poduval, senior managing director and associate vice president of Black & Veatch’s management consulting business who specializes in the oil, gas and utility sector. “We always talk about oil and gas and the multiple cycles that the industry goes through. This is different than that.”

建造continues on most oil and gas projects, including massive liquefied natural gas plants, but global politics and demand destruction have upended the outlook for the near and mid-term, Poduval says. After current projects are complete, clients will likely pause before making new investments. “I don’t think we get through this next six to nine months without multiple bankruptcies,” she says. “What will come out of the other end is a leaner industry with larger producers and bigger balances.”

Baird Equity的主要建筑业分析师Andrew Wittmann表示,对于为石油和天然气行业服务的行业公司而言,“我们在2020年第2季度从2020年开始,从2021年开始,我们看到(收入和收益中)的减少,鉴于客户的削减幅度为30,而苛刻的削减是预测的30-75%的资本预算减少。”他指出,一家公司的石油和天然气利润从其高峰开始下降了60%。


Poduval预计,全球放缓将加速可再生能源和电动汽车的增长,但表示过渡不会瞬间。The drop in power demand has given low-cost renewables a larger share of production, providing power systems “levels of wind and solar power they wouldn’t have had otherwise without another decade of investment,” Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency, said in late March.


Shell,Total,BP,Duke Energy和Nextera最近几个月宣布承诺,即使油价以创纪录的低价格降低,即使油价降低了。壳牌公司每年投资20亿美元在其可再生能源业务上。

“我们认为,当消费者和企业应对经济不确定性的挑战时,低成本可再生能源的市场机会从来没有更大。”公用事业公司FPL的母公司Nextera的首席执行官James L. Robo说。世界上最大的可再生发电机。

In its first-quarter earnings call April 22, he said that despite the pandemic-related economic slowdown, NextEra expects to complete 5,000 MW of wind and solar projects in 2020 and $1 billion worth of battery storage in 2021. Duke Energy said April 28 that it will double the amount of renewble energy on its grid to 16,000 MW by 2025.

French oil and gas company Total said it is cutting capital spending more than 20% after the oil price collapse. The firm remains committed to its12.9 million metric tons-per-year capacity Mozambique LNG project in Africa, expected to start up in 2024, although ExxonMobil said in April it would delay a final investment decision on the Rovuma LNG project in that country, which had been set for later this year, while it worked with partners to reduce costs. Analysts were not optimistic how soon there would be a decision to proceed on the $27 billion to $30 billion project.

Total强调,它不会削减其在其可再生能源单位中的20亿美元支出。首席执行官帕特里克·普扬(Patrick Pouyanne)说,他认为可再生能源是一个机会,预测他们将来将成为其业务的25%。


BW Research对3月份的失业数据分析说,三月份有106,000多名美国清洁能源工人在三月份失业。



即便如此,海上风能也可以为可再生能源提供巨大的提升。Approval of the first commercial-scale offshore wind farm, the 800-MW Vineyard Wind project off the coast of Massachusetts, is expected by year-end, James Bennett, renewable energy chief at the U.S. Interior Dept.’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management told industry executives April 21.


与丹麦开发商Orsted合作的Dominion Energy将与两人企业的飞行员在联邦水域建造第一批离岸风力涡轮机。Dominion说,施工将在夏季之前开始,并在年底之前结束。



Despite Bennett's projections, offshore wind development faces delay from current market realities.

All project permitting was delayed last year when BOEM decided it needed to determine the cumulative effect of the construction of multiple wind farms, which pushed back Vineyard Wind’s final environmental impact statement by 17 months.


Too Much Oil-Price Change




Matt Palmer, WSP Global Inc. vice president and offshore wind manager, said that accelerated design of offshore wind facilities as BOEM approves permits could provide the U.S. an economic boost when it is badly needed.


S&P Global Ratings在4月17日举行的网络研讨会上表示,当病毒和低油价撞击时,全球能源过渡到可再生资源的过渡开始不断提高,这使得与低化石燃料价格竞争变得难以竞争。但是他补充说,石油价格波动造成的疲倦可能“增加可​​再生投资”。