Shepley Bulfinch的凤凰办公室的2009年开业几乎不可能更偶然。当时已经正轨成为美国第十大的都市区,这是凤凰城去年取得的里程碑,它也是西南蓬勃发展的建筑市场的枢纽。


十年后,谢普利·布尔芬奇(Shepley Bulfinch)为这一转变做出了许多巨大贡献,2019年的表现使该公司赢得了Enr Southwest年度2020年度设计公司的点头。新利18备用

The firm’s regional revenue last year reached $11.8 million, a 47% increase over 2018’s performance. The company credits the bump to landmark projects such as The Link PHX, a 30-story, 375,000-sq-ft luxury residential and retail building, and a major health care project going up north of the city.

Shepley Bulfinch在图森,为Banner Health的大学医学中心设计了670,000平方英尺的塔楼,以及亚利桑那斯卡格斯大学药学院的补充和翻新。

Shepley Bulfinchprincipal Joe Herzog calls 2019 “the culmination of a 10-year methodical, authentic process” that went well beyond simply taking advantage of opportunities inherent in a growing market.



Shepley Bulfinch的策略是专注于想要为城市动态做出新贡献的客户。可以在高层住宅项目的出现中找到一个例子,例如Link和X Phoenix,这是一个两阶段的综合用途项目,并带有一座20层的公寓塔,去年破土动工新利18备用网址。

“We have a really strong group of people who are emerging leaders, and there’s a lot of room for new voices to be heard.”

- 安吉拉·沃森(Angela Watson)

“Compared with other cities, Phoenix was relatively late to the game in developing a dynamic urban setting,” Herzog explains. “But the framework for that to happen is pretty positive in the way the city is laid out and planned. There are nodes of intensity throughout the metropolitan area that have allowed these overlaps to happen. There’s a lot of exciting architecture happening.”

Shepley Bulfinch的首席Angela Watson补充说,尽管西南的经济增长并未立即转化为许多机构的资金资源,但仍然有很大的兴趣对新想法。


One example is the new student housing project designed by Shepley Bulfinch at Arizona State University’s Polytechnic Campus, a $34.2-million public-private partnership between the school and Capstone Development Partners. The 374-bed project, which topped out last year, includes a mix of private and shared-bedroom suites, common-area amenities and 8,500 sq ft of academic space.


从该公司在波士顿,哈特福德和休斯敦的办公室的专家的角度来看,Shepley Bulfinch拥有许多渠道,可以将新的想法带入餐桌,沃森称之为“相当平坦”的组织结构,从而促进了创新的创新。


赫尔佐格补充说,好奇心和智力增长的文化有助于Shepley Bulfinch为客户创造独特的体验。

“We’re helping them ask questions that they should be asking themselves, a facet many clients really appreciate,” he says. “And when you’re working with these transformational institutions, people want to know what their peers are up to, and what the best practices are. Our ability to draw on expertise from our offices in other parts of country allows us to speak pretty eloquently on that.”

Mark Barkenbush, senior project executive at Banner Health, says those multiple perspectives were particularly valuable for the University Medical Center project in Tucson, the company’s first academic medicine initiative in the Southwest region.


Collaborative Curiosity

Shepley Bulfinchhas also capitalized on the rise of integrated work models, what the firm calls “the big room” concept, where clients, designers, contractors and subcontractors work collaboratively to refine concepts, identify efficiencies and solve problems. In addition to creating better projects, Watson says the approach provides a valuable professional development experience for the firm’s younger staff members.

“The people who know the most about how to build a building aren’t necessarily the people sitting next to you in your own industry,” she says.

赫尔佐格指出,为坦佩的亚利桑那州捐助者网络设计的70,000平方英尺的公司总部是另一个Shepley Bulfinch属性的最新示例 - 愿意从事独特而具有挑战性的项目。新利18备用网址Herzog表示,除了需要不同的技能与研究实验室和医疗保健组件融合行政职能之外,该设计还必须尊重客户的独特使命,即通过挽救他人的生命来庆祝生命的尽头。


Shepley Bulfinch还将社交媒体的属性应用于其内部专业发展。公司的Intranet芬奇(Finch)提供论坛,员工可以在其中分享经验并寻求与项目相关的问题的帮助。


- Shepley Bulfinch校长Alison Rainey

“这是一个学习和一个渠道way for all of us to come together on an equal footing,” Watson says. “Honestly, I don’t know what we’d do without it.”

所有设计公司都面临一个主要问题:新颖的冠状病毒爆发的后果如何重塑人们通常聚集以学习和社交的环境?校长艾莉森·雷尼(Alison Rainey)说,生物生物设计的面向健康的方面 - 使建筑物与自然环境的连通性变得更大。


Similarly, Rainey expects higher education clients to move toward hybrid-learning experiences that combine virtual and in-person classes, while also retaining the social benefits of the traditional campus environment. “They won’t compromise on educational quality, but health and wellness will take on greater importance,” she adds.

