住家订单across the Midwest are being changed, extended or are ending in coming days as governors and their staffs try to balance safety and economic activity. Most Midwest states had already exempted construction as essential infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic. One noted exception is Michigan, where Gov. Gretchen Whitmer [D] is now signaling full construction may reopen there sooner than other activities.

[For ENR’s latest coverage of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, click here]

ENR's Midwest coverage area includes the states of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin. State-by-state updates follow.


Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds [R] never issued a statewide stay-at-home or shelter-in-place order and construction there has continued throughout March and April. Limits on non-essential surgeries, farmers' markets and other non-essential business were lifted April 27.


On April 23, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker [D] modified and extended the Illinois stay-at-home order through May 30. Among the modifications was a requirement for individuals to wear face coverings over their noses and mouths when outdoors. The Illinois order already exempted construction as essential infrastructure and work has continued on most sites throughout the months of March and April. Pritzker's modified order lifted restrictions on state parks where off-season work was stopped when they were closed by the original order. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot [D] said Chicago's stay-at-home order would likely continue "well into May" regarding parks and work going on in them.


印第安纳州Gov. Eric Holcomb [R] said April 24 that he is still focused on reopening Indiana’s economy in early May if the state’s data supports doing so. Indiana's stay-at-home order is scheduled to expire April 30. Construction was exempted as essential infrastructure throughout Indiana's order.


Gov. Laura Kelly [D] said in most instances she would not extend statewide restrictions past May 3, when the state's original stay-at-home order is scheduled to expire. Kelly made the statements in court proceedings in a lawsuit over the state's stay-at-home order brought by two churches, which were barred from having residents attend church services under Kelly's order. According to court documents, Kelly said she would issue a new executive order that begins on May 4 with "less restrictions" on public gatherings. Construction was exempted throughout Kansas under the original order.


Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear [D] extended thestate's stay-at-home order3月25日无限期。国家命令将住房,建筑物和建筑物豁免为“维持生命的企业”,而Beshear没有宣布何时取消无限期的命令。


On April 24, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer [D] extended Michigan's stay-at-home order through May 15. Michigan's initial order did not exempt construction as essential infrastructure but, rather, required public works projects to be approved to continue on a case-by-case basis by the governor's office. Major road projects such as the Interstate 75 reconstruction and the Gordie Howe Bridge have continued throughout March and April. In a press conference April 27 laying out a detailed reopening plan that includes opening different regions of the state at different times, Whitmer said that "some" construction and "outdoor enterprises" would be the next two activities allowed to reopen under her order.

However, on April 29, Whitmer's spokeswoman, Tiffany Brown, told the Detroit Free Press that, "It shouldn't come as a surprise that the governor would open a lower-risk field, like she has said at previous press conferences," and that residential and commercial construction in the state would reopen on May 7.

“我想如果我们traj预期在未来几天ectory of hospitalizations continues to go down and our ability to test continues to go up that we will go into the next low-risk category,” she said at the April 27 news conference from Lansing. “That might include some construction, for instance. That might include some additional outdoor enterprises.”

代表2500名商业和工业建筑承包商的贸易集团建筑协会建筑协会主席凯文·科勒(Kevin Koehler)告诉底特律自由出版社,他的组织敦促惠特默政府和立法领导人认为所有建筑工作都是必不可少的。惠特默(Whitmer)还面临投票,以限制她在未来几天内从共和党控制的密歇根州众议院扩展命令的能力。共和党控制的密歇根州参议院于4月24日通过了两项法案,这将限制灾难或紧急情况宣言,直到需要州立法机关批准该措施的14天。当前的法律允许在需要立法行动之前长达28天。惠特默(Whitmer)一直在1945年通过的《州长法》(Consort Act)的紧急权力下行事,并于1976年获得紧急管理法。惠特默(Whitmer)表示,如果他们到达桌子,她将否决账单。


A decision on whether to extend Minnesota's stay-at-home order, which is set to expire May 4, will likely be made by Gov. Tim Walz [D] in the coming days. Minnesota has broadly exempted construction under critical infrastructure and outdoor activities clauses in his order throughout March and April.


4月25日,密苏里州州长迈克·帕森(Mike Parson)表示,他不会在5月1日延长该州的全职命令,但他将延长紧急声明,这将使该州能够为与项目相关的项目申请联邦资金新利18备用网址与19斗争。整个三月和四月,施工被豁免为基础设施。


内布拉斯加州州长皮特·里基茨(Pete Ricketts)[r]从未在3月和四月的全州居住或现场订单中发布全州范围内的住所,并继续进行建设。相反,里基茨发布了21天的全职咨询,将于5月1日到期。


On April 27, Gov. Mike DeWine [R] announced details of Ohio's reopening plan which begins after the state's stay-at-home order expires May 1. DeWine's order exempted construction from closure as essential infrastructure throughout March and April, but, under the reopening plan, general offices, distribution centers, manufacturers and construction companies' offices can open on May 4. Social distancing is still recommended for all workers physically going to job sites and offices. Manufacturers of products in the in the construction supply chain such as steel and concrete are among those given the green light to reopen May 4.


4月24日,威斯康辛州州长托尼·埃弗斯[D] extended his state's stay-at-home order through May 26. Construction was broadly exempted from the stay-at-home order as essential infrastructure throughout March and April.

注意:这个故事于4月29日下午4点更新了CDT,以反映密歇根州兰辛市州长格蕾琴·惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)办公室的建设公告。