Financial help is on the horizon for airports, which have been battered by steep revenue declines after the COVID-19 virus caused drastic reductions in air travel. Airports around the country soon should start receiving their shares of $10 billion in Federal Aviation Administration grants provided in the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act .

Airports first must apply to the FAA for the funds, and some officials say they were in the application process and haven't yet determined how they plan to use the money.


Construction projects are one eligible use for the CARES grants, but airports are likely to target the dollars for more immediate operational needs.

Payroll probably will be a prime focus, because the CARES Act requires that to receive the aid, an airport must retain at least 90% of the workers it had on board as of March 27 when the measure was signed. Moreover, those workers must stay on the airport’s payroll through Dec. 31.

A couple of airports also mentioned debt service as another possible use for CARES funds.

Funding moved a stop closer on April 14, when the FAA发布了一个故障,显示了每个机场的分配100亿美元.

At Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, whose allotment is $338.5 million, a spokesperson said officials will work with Atlanta’s mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms “to determine the exact use of the funds, but it is clear that the assistance from the…CARES Act will allow ATL to continue to provide safe and secure airport operations, while retaining our employees” during the coronavirus pandemic.

The spokesperson, who requested anonymity, noted via email that the airport is Georgia’s largest employer and thus its “financial viability…is paramount not just to the state, but to the entire region.”

发言人弗朗西斯·坦(Francis Tsang)在4月15日通过电子邮件表示,在旧金山国际机场(2.547亿美元),官员们将使用这些资金“协助债务付款和与COVID-19的影响相关的费用,这反过来又将,这将又将将,这反过来又将将新利18备用官网登录极大地帮助维持当前的机场委员会工作人员级别。”

他说,机场工作人员将“在未来几天”开始申请Cares Act资金的过程。

发言人克里斯蒂娜·萨尔(Christina Saull)在经营罗纳德·里根国家和华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场的大都会华盛顿机场管理局说,Cares机场资金“旨在帮助取代损失的收入,以确保可以偿还债务,并确保这些机场能够开放债务必不可少的旅行。”


She said that construction is continuing on the authority’s$1-billion improvement program at Reagan National,and on a Metrorail transit Silver Line extension.

In the days immediately following FAA’s funding announcement, the American Association of Airport Executives didn’t yet have a full picture of how all airports will use the CARES funding.

但是政府和公共事务执行副总裁乔尔·培根(Joel D.努力从这场前所未有的危机中恢复过来。”