
3 of the top 10 most



Construction worker fatalities cost the U.S.
nearly $5 billion each year.



Better, More Effective Safety Training Must Be a Priority

Frequent and consistent safety training is universally recognized as being the easiest and best way to improve safety. Yet, not enough have committed to regular and rigorous safety training. While it’s easy to pay lip service to a safety-first culture, the realities are that too many construction contractors are still cutting corners. Faced with increased competition and razor-thin profit margins, contractors sometimes make poor decisions that unknowingly put the health and safety of their workers in danger.

鉴于仅凭生命丧失的潜力,更不用说对行业的高昂成本和负面影响,因此,改善建筑工地的安全必须是所有参与人员的优先事项。新利18备用官网登录除了完全对安全的承诺之外,没有什么借口。而且也不缺乏工具和资源来确保彻底有效的安全培训。Extended reality (XR)technologies like virtual, mixed, and增强现实are helping construction companies create highly effective and cost-efficient safety training and learning programs.


By giving workers the ability to可视化3D数据of on-the-job hazards and learn how to manage real-world threats in a safe and virtual environment, safety training supported by augmented reality improves learning effectiveness, while reducing accidents and costs.




By creating models of heavy equipment work zones, for example, or the location of underground services, subsurface utilities, and other areas of concerns, you can use AR to show workers exactly where hazardous or ‘no-go’ areas are located and what they look like in their actual environment.

使用网站上的智能手机或平板电脑,您可以使用AR将这些元素叠加在其精确的位置和现实详细的位置。通过向工人展示清晰的视觉图片,以避免危害和在自然背景下,您可以帮助他们保留信息,并提高他们安全导航工作现场并避免潜在威胁的能力。据估计65% of people are visual learners(也称为空间学习者),[3]意味着他们通过图表,图表和图像等视觉交流来学习和记住。

使用AR来帮助工人仅识别和可视化地下服务,包括蒸汽,天然气,丙烷和电气系统,以及通信和光纤电缆 - 可以显着提高安全性并降低项目成本。新利18备用官网登录共同基础联盟发现,过去20年中的公用事业造成421人死亡,1,906人受伤和17亿美元的财产损失。[4]

Construction Site Safer

2. AR Site Inspections

After an initial assessment of existing hazards, exposures, and control measures is done, enhancing your regular site inspections with AR can allow you to reassess safety conditions and identify new hazards. AR can be used to overlay the digital model on the as-built structure in real-time, making it possible to identify any discrepancies that could pose a threat to worker safety. Some增强现实系统即使允许记录您的按照图像和准确位置来记录您的潜在服务,以提供有价值的环境,因为其他作品在现场进行进展,以识别新危害。

Construction Site Safer

中方将最新的lt or design data into your routine site inspections allows more effective and meaningful safety meetings. During these meetings, AR images can be used to reinforce or test workers’ knowledge of the location of critical services, restricted areas, or other safety zones. This provides an opportunity to gather feedback from your workforce, who may be able to highlight site hazards or other issues that may not be clearly identified. You can also use these meetings to discuss near-misses. AR can help you safely review dangerous situations for workers, as well as illustrate the correct actions to be taken to prevent accidents.

值得注意的是mixed reality也可以用来提高安全性。在现场检查的情况下,那些检查站点的人可以使用混合现实,以覆盖BIM模型与正在建造的内容。这样,MR使得可以快速,更轻松地识别问题领域成为可能。MR还可以将安全措施直接纳入工作流程。例如,进行预制组件组装的工作流测序可以从安全消息开始,并提供与过程的每个步骤相关的持续安全指南。MR并没有将安全性作为单独的倡议,而是可以将安全整合到所执行的工作中。


For safety training to be effective, it must be frequent, consistent, and engaging. To keep safety top of mind, daily site safety briefings (aka工具箱会谈)在整个项目期间,通常用于审查当天的工作,突出特定的威胁或疑虑,并加强对安全性的期望。在这些非正式的安全性谈判中,可以使用AR系统(例如Trimble的SiteVision System)的图像和视频来说明前一天的安全问题,并帮助工人确定和可视化下一天的特定安全问题。



磨练工人可视化危害的能力是一项重要技能,可以对安全结果产生重大影响。像康明斯这样的公司,使柴油发动机和发电机经常在建筑工地上看到,而欧文斯·康宁(Owens Corning帮助他们确定可能没有注意到的安全危害。


- 康明斯职业健康总监Kelli Smith



  • 提高生产率和质量
  • 更好的员工士气
  • More effective employee recruiting and retention
  • A more favorable image and reputation among customers, suppliers, and the community.[5]


To learn how one construction company is using AR to improve crew safety and reduce the risk of utility strikes,立即观看面试.


[2]建筑图表:美国建筑行业及其工人。CPWR - 建筑研究和培训中心。2018

[3]St. Louis, Molly. “How to Spot Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic-Learning Executives.” Inc. August 1, 2017.
