建筑公司,工会和贸易集团高管是200名业务总裁唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)于4月15日举办的咨询小组会议,迅速组建了咨询小组会议,建议他的计划重新启动COVID-19-19STAIL STAIN AD STAIL US EPANOPE,他针对5月1日。

But on April 16 and just before—with testing shortfalls and cases high—governors in New York, Maine, Vermont, Delaware and other states, and Washington D.C. officials said that non-essential work shutdowns now will extend to May 15, with some even farther.

Shutdowns in Virginia now will reach to June 10 and those in Maryland, California and elsewhere remain indefinite. The three western coastal states, and separately, seven northeastern states, and a bipartisan group of seven midwestern states have agreed to joint pacts on when to open their economies.


The administration on April 16 released新指导对于社会距离的国家,包括基于地区的传输严重程度重新开放。

Some social distance mandates may have to remain in place through year end to prevent a new outbreak, while others "could see a resumption in normal commerce and social gatherings after a month of evaluating whether the easing of restrictions leads to a resurgence in virus cases," says the Associated Press.


In a briefing to U.S. governors, Trump said they would be responsible for deciding when to lift restrictions in their states, telling them “You’re going to call your own shots,” AP reported.


The groups are described as "bipartisan," but, according to the New York Times,包括一个数字of Trump financial backers and supporters.



该行业相关集团的成员被称为“建筑/劳动/劳动力”,包括Fluor Corp.的首席执行官和五个工会和劳工委员会的负责人Bechtel,以及六个主要行业大厅团体的负责人。


也在这一组Los Angeles real estate developer Geoffrey Palmer, who has made a $2-million donation to the Trump re-election campaign, t他在华盛顿邮报报道援引联邦申请于4月15日公开。房地产类别的另一组高管还包括开发商的首席执行官相关集团,Vornado Realty Trust,Simon Property Group和Starwood Capital Group。

Among other groups formed include leaders in energy, transportation, telecommunications, defense contracting, manufacturing and retail.

美国工程委员会(ACEC)的总裁兼首席执行官琳达·鲍尔·达尔(Linda Bauer Darr)代表至少5300家与设计相关的公司,他参加了会议,并表示需要从冠状病毒大流行中出现的计划。



另一位名叫顾问的关联建筑商兼承包商总裁兼首席执行官迈克尔·D·贝拉曼(Michael D. Bellaman)表示,员工保留是维持其供应链的关键,并指向美国小型企业管理局的指向Paycheck Protection Program,允许小型企业使工人保持工资单的贷款。

他说:“讨论的另一项策略是制定了实质性的基础设施包,” Enr报告说,这种刺激已移至新利18备用“后燃烧器”联邦优先级。


Teamsters Union总裁詹姆斯·P·霍法(James P. Hoffa)分享了其前三名,其中包括全职访问PPE,消毒剂和消毒的工作场所;访问可靠的测试;以及美国职业安全与卫生管理局(OSHA)标准,要求“不好的演员雇主”负责。



  • Linda Bauer Darr, president and CEO, American Council of Engineering Cos.
  • 国际运营工程师联盟总裁吉姆·卡拉汉(Jim Callahan)
  • 北美建筑贸易联盟总裁Sean McGarvey
  • 北美国际工会总统特里·奥沙利文(Terry O’Sullivan)
  • James P. Hoffa, general president, International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  • 国家电气承包商协会首席执行官David Long
  • Bechtel董事长兼首席执行官Brendan Bechtel
  • Fluor Corp.首席执行官Carlos Hernandez
  • 全国房屋建筑协会首席执行官杰里·霍华德(Jerry Howard)
  • Michael Bellaman, president and CEO, Associated Builders and Contractors
  • Stephen Sandherr, CEO, Associated General Contractors of America
  • Richard Trumka, president, AFL-CIO
  • Geoffrey Palmer, owner, GH Palmer & Associates