
“This shock is not across the board, but has severe threats to some,” said Greg Lemos-Stein, S&P Global Ratings managing director of analytics research. The firm has seen more than 10 recent defaults. Oil and gas firms were affected by a big demand slump caused by state shelter-in-place orders, but other decline triggers included an oil-price dispute between Saudi Arabia and Russia, said the ratings firm.

[For ENR’s latest coverage of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, click here]

“Oil spending is falling around the world, but the most dramatic cuts are in North America,” says Dan Pratt, executive director of IHS Herold Inc., a London-based energy analytics firm. North American energy firms plan to cut spending in 2020 by 36%, he says.

埃克森美孚(Exxonmobil)表示,4月7日,它将其2020年的资本支出减少了30%,以响应因石油和天然气部门过度供应而导致的低商品价格,并要求疲软。首席执行官达伦·伍兹(Darren Woods)在电话会议上说:“我们还没有看到像今天所经历的那样。”预计资本投资约为230亿美元,低于以前预期的330亿美元。


彭博新闻说,埃克森美孚(Exxonmobil)的30%容量削减量超过了BP,雪佛龙(Chevron),皇家荷兰人(Royal Dutch)壳牌和沙特阿美(Saudi Aramco)的削减量,降低了20%至25%。荷兰皇家壳牌公司(Royal Dutch Shell)于3月30日宣布退出洛杉矶查尔斯湖(Lake Charles)的液化天然气项目的合资开发项目,该项目由于市场条件,总部位于达拉斯的合作伙伴能源转移将接管。壳牌表示,在对项目剩余活动的分阶段交换之前,它将继续支持EPC合同的竞标能源转移,但后者表示可以将项目规模缩短三分之一。

美国能源部的能源信息局表示,今年发电定为3%,包括从燃煤电源下降20%。代理商经济学家泰勒·霍奇(Tyler Hodge)表示,供应链中断和其他共同199的影响可能会延迟许多新一代工厂的完成。EIA的短期能源前景于4月7日发布,假设将在4月至9月之间延续或取消美国发电能力的39%。

霍奇告诉ENR,该假设基于设定的总容量的数量,而不是任何特定的项目。新利18备用他说,前景“反映了关于Covid-19及其相关影响的高度不确定性……”。Glenrock Associates的能源分析师Paul Patterson新利18备用说,长期的经济影响是未知的。“我们可以预期可以改变延误和容量扩张计划,但真正的问题是是否会取消。深层衰退会使植物脱轨。”他说。太阳能和风能贸易集团正在监测病毒对各自的劳动力和全球供应链的影响。

在其他领域,标准普尔全球评级指出莱克阀门elihood of low-to-no revenue in lodging and leisure, which is causing cash runs, possibility of an extended prolonged loss and only a 10% to 20% recovery in 2021. Even the health care sector is not immune from a pandemic financial hit. Fitch Ratings on April 9 placed 15 not-for-profit hospital and health care systems on “rating watch negative,” affecting $3.7 billion of total outstanding debt. David Tesher, S&P Global Ratings managing director for credit research, predicted the end of the COVID-19 business turmoil is “fraught with variables.”