In mid-March, as the city of Philadelphia faced a potential hospital bed shortage from the spreading COVID-19 pandemic , the University of Pennsylvania Health System scanned its building inventory and targeted its $1.5-billion Pavilion project as part of the solution. With nearly a year left on the patient tower’s five-year schedule, Kevin Mahoney, CEO of the health system known as Penn Medicine, leaned on the project team to expedite work and bring beds on line fast. “Our CEO called me and asked how many rooms we could give him in 10 days,” recalls Steve Greulich, Penn Medicine associate vice president of capital projects. “He gave us 24 hours to figure it out.”

Multiple Pavilion teams, each representing a different area of the 17-story, 1.5-million-sq-ft project, huddled with subcontractors and pooled ideas. By the end of that day, they presented Mahoney with a range of options. The next morning, they had a plan: 60 emergency department rooms and 60 inpatient rooms in under two weeks.


In early March, before the design and construction industry was fully in the grip of the COVID-19 crisis, ENR MidAtlantic named Penn Medicine its Owner of the Year based on its history of “innovation and creativity throughout the region as well as their contributions to their community.” Weeks later, those qualities were on display at the Pavilion.

When fully operational next year, the Pavilion will add 500 private patient rooms and 47 operating rooms on Penn Medicine’s University City campus in west Philadelphia. The campus is home base for a $7.8-billion health system that extends into the greater Philadelphia region, including six major hospitals. In recent years, its capital program has averaged approximately $500 million annually for major construction projects.

Over the last three decades, Mack Stulb, president of locally based contractor L.F. Driscoll, has seen Penn Medicine evolve from an organization with a financially constrained capital program to one of the largest and most active health care owners in the nation. L.F. Driscoll has built numerous projects for Penn Medicine, including the Perelman School of Medicine, but the Pavilion is the system’s most ambitious one yet, Stulb says. L.F. Driscoll is part of the IPD team on the Pavilion, along with construction manager Balfour Beatty, designers HDR and Foster+Partners and engineers BR+A and Southland Industries.


——史蒂夫•Greulich副总裁Capi联系起来tal Projects, Penn Medicine

Stulb将Penn Medicine的Mahoney归功于IPD并推动其在该项目上的使用。2012年,当馆仍在计划中时,当时担任执行副总裁兼首席行政官的Mahoney说服了Penn Medicine首次使用IPD。Mahoney认为,该项目将遵循“真正的IPD”模型,在设计和建筑利益相关者之间分享风险和奖励。

“He really put his job on the line,” Stulb recalls. “It was a very bold move. But it doesn’t surprise me. He’s a very thoughtful and analytical guy, who challenges us every day.”

The team toured other IPD hospital projects around the country, including Parkland Hospital in Dallas, which HDR and Balfour Beatty completed in 2014. “Kevin [Mahoney] knew there had to be a better way to deliver a project of this magnitude, scale and complexity,” says Hank Adams, HDR global director of health. “What impressed me about him was that he took the time to really look at lessons learned from previous projects around the U.S. and built on best practices.”

One of those practices was the large-scale use of multi-trade prefabrication, which, at the time, had never been employed on a project in the Philadelphia market, according to the team. The strategy draws on having components built entirely in the city by union trades. It includes custom bathroom pods as well as multi-trade racks in roughly 25-ft sections that run through corridors, patient rooms and operating rooms.


团队合作和创新的精神并不是馆项目所独有的。Greulich说,Penn Medicine更喜欢在其大型项目上使用更多的协作交付方法,而很少使用传统的设计竞标交付。新利18备用网址近年来,该资本计划通常在大型项目上偏爱建筑经理,尽管它偶尔在“直接,不复杂且速度何处是目标”的项目上使用了设计构建,但它是目标。新利18备用网址

IMC Construction总裁兼首席执行官罗伯特·科通(Robert Cottone)看到,该公司在宾夕法尼亚医学公司工作的18年中的演变。总部位于宾夕法尼亚州马尔文的IMC的第一个项目是一栋简单的医疗办公大楼。从那时起,它提供了更高级的工作,例如最近完成的费城医疗保健技术中心的1.43亿美元。由Perkins + Will设计,包括250,000平方英尺的空间和10层,并带有预制面板框架落地玻璃。它的构建能够在第二阶段增加10层和290,000平方英尺的空间。

IMC门诊设施正在建设一个1.63亿美元for Penn Medicine in Radnor, Pa. Slated to open this spring, the facility was put on hold in March when the state ordered all “non-life-sustaining businesses” to cease, in a move to stop COVID-19’s spread. The building will include heart and vascular care, cancer care, women’s health and orthopedic and rehabilitation medicine.

“Penn Medicine works in a very open, collaborative, transparent and integrated manner,” Cottone says. “They prefer to participate in a very intensive preconstruction process. Their goal is to solve problems and build the project virtually to debug it so when we break ground we’re just running a race to get it done.”

尽管该馆从完成后已经超过一年了,但Greulich认为IPD是Capital Program大型项目的未来,取代了CM高危和其他方法。新利18备用网址他说:“我的目标是,相对较快的项目将不会以我们的传统方式完成。”新利18备用网址“我们将开始全面实施IPD。”