Flood protections, including a temporary floodwall made of HESCO barriers, were erected in Davenport, Iowa, with assistance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Rock Island District on April 8 in anticipation of the Mississippi River cresting 18 ft, considered major flood stage, throughout the Quad Cities area.


Minor flooding of some roads was already observed on April 10 as the river's height reached 16.9 ft,according to the National Weather Service。Water affects major roadways in the Quad Cities—which includes Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa and Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline in Ill.—at around 17 ft. Moline has closed River Drive, the closest road to the river. Baton Rouge and New Orleans, La., have also taken measures to deal with high water on the river.

“整个四城市地区继续与我们的紧急行动司令部合作,包括在达文波特(Davenport)的洪水,他们的公共工程总监目前负责EOC的那部分,因为他们是有经验的人,有时甚至是不幸的是,遭受了一些洪水的厄运。”贝滕多夫市长罗伯特·加拉格尔(Robert Gallagher)在4月9日由密西西比河城市和城镇倡议(MRCTI)举行的电话会议上发表讲话。“我们认为,在预测的洪水阶段,一切都会好起来的,因为它们具有很好的处理能够处理已预测的洪水,这些预测中甚至还有一些余地,所以我认为这很重要。”

While the area is preparing for the flood fight with street closures and temporary barriers, Gallagher said more personal protective equipment is needed for paramedics, police officers and other first responders. The supplies that are usually needed have been depleted by the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We continue to need additional PPE. Thanks to the MRCTI, we've made a group purchase and we also have local businesses who have stepped up to change their operations and manufacturing to create the needed PPE," he said. "While we continue to seek sources of PPE, we're getting deliveries" from state, federal and local sources.

Gallagher said city governments in the Quad Cities and other municipalities experiencing high water situations—including Memphis, Tenn., and Baton Rouge, La.—were connected with purchasing outlets through the MRCTI and matched with suppliers that have masks, goggles, face shields, Tyvek suits, flood coverings and hoods and gloves.

"We continue to try and link our cities with free outlets as much as possible," Gallagher said. "A lot of our cities are still hurting from having to pay the bill from last year's flooding, and a lot of our cities have not received FEMA reimbursement or all of their flood fighting from last year yet, so they are cash strapped."

While the equipment that first responders need to prepare for flooding is not the same as what medical professionals require to handle COVID-19 patients, there is some overlap. Gallagher said N95 masks with a respirator function are not needed for public works or the volunteers who may be attempting to fight the flood. Paramedics and hospital personnel dealing with injuries from potential flooding also need different clothing and gowns than needed for COVID-19 .


新奥尔良市长拉托亚·坎特雷尔(Latoya Cantrell)在会议上说:“它不得不开放的事实对高河说话。”“我们的一些基础设施项目由于高河而被搁置。而且,军团的通新利18备用网址知,当然,我们必须在基础设施项目的情况下停在这一特定时刻。”
