


Latest Updates on the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Surety and Fidelity Association of America, the trade association of sureties, and the National Association of Surety Bond Producers, representing brokers and agents, are asking government officials to act quickly.

“Pandemic shelter-in-place requirements,” the two associations said in a joint statement, “make traditional signatures and notary requirements unworkable.”

在a letter to Congressional leaders, the two associations pointed out that many federal agencies require surety documents to have “wet ink signatures” on surety bonds and embossed corporate seals on original, printed documents.

Stay-at-home orders and adherence to health directives and guidelines make it virtually impossible for bond producers, acting as attorneys-in-fact for surety companies, and their contractor or commercial business clients to sign the surety documents in person.”



SFAA首席执行官Lee Covington说:“这些建筑保证债券的大多数是与健康,安全和经济增长直接相关的基础设施项目所必需的。”新利18备用网址“必须立即采用解决这些关键项目的解决方案开始和继续工作,同时为小型企业建筑公司,工人和纳税人维护重要的保护。”新利18备用网址


To some extent, says NASBP chief executive Mark McCallum, "Commercial surety is further ahead than contract surety because some commercial surety is more transactional in nature, where the same transaction is performed over and over with more volume."
