As the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began to convert convention centers and hotels into alternate care facilities in early April to alleviate pressure on local hospitals treating COVID-19 patients, the initial plan was to care for COVID-19 negative patients in places such as Chicago's McCormick Place, New York's Jacob K. Javits Center and Detroit's TCF Center. That strategy shifted after leaders in the USACE, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Health and Human Services saw what USACE engineers could do with convention center spaces.

"I was not convinced we could actually change the pressure in these large convention centers to a point that would actually achieve the desired results [of care for COVID-19 positive patients] we're looking for," says Lt. Gen. Todd T. Semonite, chief of engineers and commanding general of the USACE at a Pentagon press conference April 3. "When I was in Detroit the other day with the governor [of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer] talking to the mechanical engineers, our guys and their guys have done a phenomenal job on some relatively minor changes."

The experience on the ground at the TCF Center and Chicago's McCormick Place convinced Semonite that care for COVID-19 positive patients is an option in what the USACE and FEMA call the convention center model for alternate care facilities. Semonite said the utility of modern convention centers allowed the unexpected shift to caring for more COVID-19 patients. Engineers on the ground found that no significant mechanical changes were needed in most cases. The changes needed were as simple as a couple of technicians going into a mechanical or HVAC control room to make modifications.

"It was like turning down your thermostat in your house versus going in and replumbing an entire mechanical room," he said.

McCormick Place和TCF中心都已经转换为将要照顾低到中等风险的COVID-19患者的设施,并且两者都可以在4月24日之前预计患者涌入。Semonite显示了9,693的图表。床目前正在全国各地的九项不同合同中,目前正在八个会议中心准备。其中,现在只计划将2,060个床置于19张床。其余的7,633个将用于治疗和康复病毒。还有九个设施,有5,039张床,目前与USACE的合同正在待处理,还有15个仍处于此过程阶段的设施。在USACE的设计协助下,各州和市政当局建造了八个带有5,643张床的床。


Semonite also stressed that the eight facilities currently being repurposed by the USACE, as well as others that are being built by the states and cities through their procurement processes, are all being planned based on expected need discerned from modeling data from the coronavirus task force chaired by Vice President Mike Pence [R]. Many of those models plot the number of people getting the virus against two variables: exponential or a higher rate of growth than the national norm in a locality and the possible bed shortage in that locality.

Cause for Concern

USACE已收到750项替代护理设施的现场评估请求,迄今已完成673个。Semonite表示,USACE领导层正在与佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)沟通,并正在研究那里的地点,并且佛罗里达州的数据和人口统计学是引起人们关注的原因。

"I want to reassure every community, whether a large city or a small town, if your mayor needs to have the Corps of Engineers come in to do an assessment of a site, we have the capacity to do that," Semonite said.


He also stressed that working with Gov. Whitmer, Ill. Governor J.B. Pritzker [D] and local officials on the ground is what helped the USACE, FEMA and HHS shift its strategy.

"Every single site we go through we learn, we wrap that back into our analysis," he said. "The convention center models, specifically Detroit and Chicago, convinced us that we are able to make that happen."