Working on a construction site during a viral pandemic can be a harrowing experience, given the close quarters that workers often find themselves in. General rules about social distancing easy to maintain on sidewalks can be more stressful when clambering around a crowded active jobsite.

Across the industry,现有技术被quickly adapted帮助监控工人并尽量避免可能导致Covid-19病毒传播的拥堵。

Computer vision paired with artificial intelligence is already in use on construction sites, analyzing photos and video of a site to spot safety hazards and identify possible construction errors. But an idea pitched from a construction contractor has spurred A.I. vendor to add social distancing monitoring to its feature set.

[For ENR’s latest coverage of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, click here]

“We wouldn’t have done this if not for a customer asking for it,” says Josh Kanner, CEO and founder of The company’s A.I., Vinnie, is already able to identify and tag human beings individually from video or still images.

但是几个星期前与用户聊天的同时,它如何有助于满足新的OSHA社会疏远建议的想法。“我刚刚随机向他们提出了这个想法,”胡椒建设技术服务副总裁Jennifer Suerth召回了Jennifer Suerth。“施工继续进行的大事是我们有一些项目,客户在现场支付额外的劳动力,以监测[社会疏散]的人并将它们分开。”新利18备用网址

Suerth suggested that since they were already capturing so many images on site, and’s AI can already detect where workers are and whether they are wearing PPE like safety gloves, it could monitor grouping as well.


“Now the user can get a daily, automatic report from every one of their projects in the country on whether social distancing is happening or not,” explains Kanner. “The idea isn’t to slam anybody or get them in trouble but to give an indicator for safety.” users can also watch the program at work in real-time on live video and photos from their jobsites.



“然而,我们两个月前我们跑就业就会看起来完全不同于我们在路上两到六个月的路上,”Barton Malow的高级VDC经理Ted Jennings说。“这不仅仅是风暴我们等待的风暴 - 将有不同的安全和健康程序到位。”

Jennings says Barton Malow has been using for about a year, and he thinks the new social distancing feature is a good step. The company already uses StructionSite for site documentation, so it has a steady supply of photos to run through the A.I. “Seriously though, props to Smartvid for being able to quickly adapt their A.I. to social distancing. I’m really interested to see what other software [providers] are going to do to help with COVID-19.”
