In a partial thaw in Pennsylvania’s statewide freeze on construction projects, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation is allowing 61 emergency and critically important highway, bridge and tunnel projects to move ahead. The projects again became active during the week of March 30-April 3, PennDOT said.


Penndot的March 31 announcement关于重新开始的项目,该项目停止了全州的所有建筑项目,以实施新利18备用网址汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Wolf)的指令,以暂停所有建筑类型的项目,因为冠状病毒大流行。(请参阅有新利18备用关州建筑暂停的Enr故事这里

Robert Latham, executive vice president of the Associated Pennsylvania Constructors, says that the 61 projects being restarted represent less than 10% of the estimated 800 PennDOT highway projects that were put on hold. “However, it is a start,” he adds.


代理Penndot秘书Yassmin Gramian在一份声明中说:“安全可靠的运输网络始终至关重要。”她补充说:“我们需要确保在这些关键项目上继续进行工作,并且我们正在采取预防措施,以帮助确保员工和我们的合作伙伴在行业中的安全。”新利18备用网址

The department said the projects affect safety needs, and include repairs to bridges, tunnels and drainage systems. Some also involve repairs after landslides. Also on the list are projects “to eliminate roadway restrictions that could impede the ability for the movement of life-sustaining goods and services,” PennDOT said.

The department added that these projects should be carried out with cleanliness on the sites and offices, as well as social distancing and procedures dealing with workers’ sicknesses and handling deliveries of construction materials.


At Gramian’s direction, Latham says, the construction industry, PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, a separate entity, jointly developed a plan to restart highway projects including those at PennDOT.

That plan has three phases, the first of which calls for restarting emergency projects, “And they’re the ones that are going now,” he says.


Phase three includes projects that have utility-relocation or permit issues that currently prevent them from proceeding.

Latham adds that PennDOT on April 2 opened bids on 13 additional projects. The apparent low bids for the 13 projects totaled $75.4 million, according to a构造协会的汇编.

Story updated on 4/3/20 with additional information from PennDOT and corrects the name of Associated Pennsylvania Constructors.