
工程新闻是当时领先的工程杂志,于1917年4月与竞争对手的工程记录合并。该出版物在1919年的一篇文章中,重命名为工程新闻记录,记载了Custe Custer Custer Custer中使用的严格实践,密歇根州巴特尔克里克(Battle Creek)外的一个陆军基地。出院之后拒绝遵守规则……或拒绝经常更改以清洁衣服。”


The results were impressive: “During the height of the influenza epidemic last autumn the construction force building the extension to Camp Custer suffered no diminution on account of disease. Instead, the superior reputation for healthfulness of the camp led to an increase of 50% in the applications for work. Construction progress was maintained at scheduled speed while on neighboring jobs work lagged because of workmen lost through disease and desertion, and communities all about had closed theaters, schools and churches and were conducting all business under quarantine restrictions.”

该文章由负责卫生部门的部门工程师M.D. Kauffman撰写。他总结说:“卡斯特营地的卫生服务成功从注意到细节。没有采用异常的卫生或卫生措施;同样,没有忽略基本的卫生预防措施,也不允许执行警惕性检查的粗心。”

The workforce peaked at 2,572, with only four cases of influenza and one case of pneumonia. W. E. Wood Co. of Detroit was the general contractor.

1919年的另一篇文章介绍了大型酒吧图,该图形跟踪了该病毒在14个主要的军队基地横冲直撞,从马萨诸塞州的堡垒到堪萨斯州的Funston营地。它是由陆军卫生军的专业乔治·A·索普(George A. Soper)撰写的。“在大流行中,试图建立一条曲线,这将代表普通营地中的典型流行病。据认为,如果可以做好准备,它将有助于预言给定地方流行病的可能性。”这项努力似乎是当今用于表明如何在Covid-19的传播中“平移曲线”以避免造成压倒性医院的图形的先驱。一个发现是,帐篷营地受到流感的影响小于营房营地。


It concluded, “In the midst of an epidemic like the present the people must submit to dramatic interferences with personal habits and liberties for their own and the common good.”