Six Bay Area counties in California—Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara, along with the city of Berkeley—announced March 31 that most construction will be halted due to a tightened, joint shelter-in-place命令effective at 11:59 p.m.



“These new, stricter ordinances are a very sobering reminder of what is at stake,” says Emily Cohen, executive vice president of United Contractors (UCON). “We are working to get clarification from each local agency, Caltrans and the administration about what these stricter ordinances mean for a variety of work.”

UCON needs guidance on if, when and how contractors can work in each county and believes statewide guidance would be best. Cohen says on vital construction—including roads, bridges, highways, water infrastructure, schools, hospitals and utilities—work must continue in order to maintain and protect the state.

AGC of California expects a significant portion of members' work to be closed, but notes the California Dept. of Transportation (Caltrans) and Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) are both continuing to operate under “essential” designation – for now.

加利福尼亚州首席执行官AGC彼得·泰特西(Peter Tateishi)表示,成员正在做出实时业务决策,这将影响许多工人。

塔蒂希(Tateishi)说:“将会有裁员,就业关系和项目搁置。”他补充说,该地区有一些“不好的演员”,这些“不好的演员”不符合Covid-19的协议 - 新利18备用网址使员工和公共卫生置于危险。“我们的成员认真对待安全 - 他们希望工人安全回家并第二天回来。”

Caltrans and BART were not immediately available for comment.

The new命令说构造仅在与以下方式相关的情况下定义为“必不可少的”:

  • the necessary maintenance, operation, or repair of essential infrastructure
  • projects associated with health-care operations, including creation or expansion, as long as it is directly related to the COVID-19 response
  • affordable housing that is or will be income-restricted
  • 公共工程项目如果专门定义为新利18备用网址基本的政府职能
  • 庇护所和临时住房,但不包括酒店或汽车旅馆
  • 新利18备用网址立即为经历无家可归的个人,老年人,经济不利的人以及有特殊需要的人提供关键的非商业服务所必需的项目
  • construction necessary to existing
  • sites that must be shut down because of the order to be left in a safe and secure manner
  • 确保在这种建筑或维修的范围内,必须延迟的建筑和建筑物是安全,卫生或可居住的所必需的施工或维修

The order supersedes earlier orders issued by the counties, which gave varying definitions of “essential” that allowed most construction to continue. All essential business must comply with social distancing protocol, which must be provided to each employee.

Meanwhile, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued new COVID-19 safety指导for construction sites after reports that some jobs were not complying with the city’s safer-at-home order.

“Any worker who is sick, like everyone else in Los Angeles, must stay home,” Garcetti said at a press conference. “We will not be shy about hunting down construction that does not comply. So, comply.”


Garcetti said that some complaints could provide potential rewards to the informant, adding: “Snitches get rewards."


市长办公室没有一旦diately respond to requests for further information.


“We are not above the law – if at the end of the day people are seeing our industry or any industry out there violating the intent and the spirit of the rule and law or ordinance, we should be held accountable,” he says.

Throughout March,confusion ensued在湾区附近以及整个州,作为城市,县和州官员发出的不同指令和命令。承包商,所有者和建筑工人努力解释含糊和不同的语言,将建筑视为“必不可少的”工作。

州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)3月19日在家中命令要求所有加利福尼亚州居民居住,除了从事16种基本关键基础设施类型的人员,包括联邦政府确定的,包括通信,化学药品,水坝,能源,运输系统和水等。