
“除紧急建设以外,所有非必需的建筑必须关闭,”帝国发展公司发布的指南March 27 following a revised Executive Order from Gov. Andrew Cuomo. As of March 30, New York reported more than 60,000 COVID-19 cases and 965 deaths statewide, with 35,000 cases in New York City and 776 deaths there.

ESD said that "essential construction may continue and includes roads, bridges, transit facilities, utilities, hospitals or health care facilities, affordable housing, and homeless shelters."

ESD补充说,指导”was effective immediately, but allows time for non-essential, non-emergency projects to continue to a point where they can be safely stabilized to protect the health and safety of occupants."

It does not specify a deadline to stabilize sites or state how long non-essential work will remain closed down.


One industry source said more detail on dates could be set this week pending the outcome of still ongoing talks.

The guidelines also addressed protecting workers from the novel coronavirus:

New Rules

"At every site, if essential or emergency non-essential construction, this includes maintaining social distance, including for purposes of elevators/meals/entry and exit," the ESD directive says. "Sites that cannot maintain distance and safety best practices must close and enforcement will be provided by the state in coordination with the city/local governments."


Lou Coletti, CEO of the NY Building Trades Employers Association, told ENR on March 29 that he was not aware of an end date for the new mandate but that the New York City Dept. of Buildings is developing closure protocols, which could be issued as early as March 30 or March 31.


Said the union: "Our members lives are at stake."



“我们看到周一大幅减少人力,优先or minus 50%," said the CEO of one nonunion building CM firm, "but it did rebound a little as the week went on. We had one site close for a short period to do deep clean after an onsite worker tested positive. But all our other sites are working."

Said a site manager at a major city transportation project: "目前,我们看到大约80%的工人出现在工作。"

Cuomo's "New York State on PAUSE" executive order signed March 20 did not specify whether any types of construction projects were considered non-essential.


'Profound Impact'

Related to the project shutdown, the project manager for one construction management firm with eight active city projects, several of more than 1 million sq ft each, said the firm "started COVID-19 protocols a couple of weeks ago, which included safety awareness training, added bathroom facilities and hand washing stations, and bringing in outside vendors to spray down sites with CDC approved antiviral solutions."

The firm also limited worker numbers on hoists, staggered start times and took workers’ temperatures before they entered sites, and other measures.

"Workers were grateful for the measures that we took and sent thank you notes daily to our teams," the manager said, but fears "this shutdown will have a profound impact on all of us. On an average day, our sites employ close to 2,000 union and non-union workers. The layoffs started this afternoon already."

CM顾问Turner&Townsend的高级副总裁Linda Foggie兼纽约市办公室负责人琳达(Linda Foggie)说:“最近,我们开始看到贸易和分包商暂时离开工作现场或无法提供足够的劳动力来保留项目新利18备用网址向前进。

She notes that "many of our [owner] clients are concerned with obligations outside the scope of their project that will be impacted by the schedule challenges they will face, "

Foggie说:“我们希望将新的判例法先例视为force majeure颁布条款。有些(即使不是大多数)合同可能不会明确说明大流行或爆发作为触发因素。”

But in In New York, the executive order suspending some types of construction as a non-essential service may qualify projects for relief.

A New York City building contractor CEO noted "more clients that were announcing layoffs, with the potential of awarded contracts being terminated or re-evaluated at a later date."



Added the CEO: "Prudence in running a business in a sustainable way is required."

Thousands of New Beds

Cuomo also announced at a March 27 briefing the completion of a 1,000-bed temporary hospttal at the Jacob Javits convention center in Manhattan to house non-COVID-19 patients from city hospitals, with three other facilities "underway" by the美国陆军工程兵团在威彻斯特县和两个长岛纽约州立大学校园,共有4,000张床。

Cuomo补充说,该州是纽约市五个行政区现有地点以及最接近该市的四个郊区的现有地点的“侦察站点”,并寻求特朗普政府的批准"immediately so construction can begin." Space conversions also are set to include now closed colleges and hotels such as the Marriott Brooklyn Bridge hotel, he said.