A major waterfront construction site in Boston that managed to avoid the city’s shutdown on building activity amid the coronavirus is now closing up shop. The apparent shutdown puts an end to what had become a glaring leak in Boston Mayor Marty Walsh’s city-wide quarantine.

3月26日(星期四)下午,可以在3月26日星期四下午发现稳定的工人trick滴,离开建筑工地前往Ora Seaport,304个单元的公寓楼以及波士顿海港的邻近酒店。该网站的工人告诉ENR记者,他们被告知将其包装进去。新利18备用

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Walsh onMarch 16banned all but emergency construction activity in the city, forcing dozens of contractors and thousands of workers at 97 different construction sites to pack up their tools and go home.



“很烂,”一位木匠说,他星期四下午离开Ora Worksite时不得被任命。“我们中的许多人都必须照顾好家庭。我认为这应该取决于个人是否要冒险。”


In contrast to Boston’s mayor, Mass. Gov. Charlie Baker (R) has classified construction work as “essential,” allowing projects to move forward on land controlled by the state.

On March 25, an ENR reporter observed the Ora construction site and spotted violations of social-distancing guidelines established to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus.



除了社会距离规则和保持in-person meetings and large gatherings to a minimum, the company is also doing extensive cleaning and “surveying all individuals on jobsites daily to ensure they are symptom free,” said Jeff Gouveia, president and general manager, Suffolk Northeast, in a press statement.

Boston’s decision to shut down construction comes amid an epic building boom in the city, with more than 21 million sq ft of in-progress residential, office and commercial space, according to the Boston Planning and Development Agency.

"The safety and health of construction workers and all residents of Boston is my first priority, and I am not willing to put that at risk as the virus spreads throughout our communities," said Mayor Walsh.

Meanwhile, other cities and towns around Boston are making their own calls on whether to shut down construction.

Neighboring Brookline has taken a more hands-off approach, allowing work to go ahead on an $128-million addition to Brookline High School.

A supervisor for a steel-erecting subcontractor at the construction job, for which Skanska is the lead contractor, says it “feels weird” to have two communities side by side with two such different approaches.