
前联盟劳动者和Buildnig贸易领导者波士顿市长Martin J. Walsh最初宣布a two-week halt当他在3月16日推出关机订单时。

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But on March 25, with 1,838 infections and 15 deaths in Massachusetts and the number of new cases growing rapidly, he extended the ban indefinitely.



剑桥,质量。Pennsylvaniaand Washington state have also instituted construction moratoriums, although Pennsylvania is exempting医院项目新利18备用网址.

Walsh’s decision to extend the ban comes even as other state and local officials have allowed a range of major building projects to move forward, including in Boston.

尽管沃尔什的禁令,工作在凯斯顿的海港区持续不减,位于一家凯悦酒店,位于一栋304单位的公寓楼的邻近的Ora Seaport。虽然它们位于波士顿的海滨,但建筑物免于沃尔什的秩序,因为他们坐在马萨诸塞州港务局控制的土地上。

与Walsh,Massachusetts Gov.Charlie Baker(R)分类建设工作在他3月23日的“必要”中,为所有“非必要”企业和组织关闭两周。

Construction continues to operate with COVID-19 regulations in cities and towns that neighbor Boston, including Brookline.



"The safety and health of construction workers and all residents of Boston is my first priority, and I am not willing to put that at risk as the virus spreads throughout our communities," Walsh said.