
President Donald Trump has signed the massive measure approved by Congress aimed at helping laid-off workers, financially strapped companies and a stressed health care system as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

Final congressional action came on March 27, when the House passed the bill by voice vote. President Trump signed it a short time later.


Under the final version—the product of a bipartisan Senate-White House agreement announced early on March 25—billions of dollars could go for infrastructure or other construction, including hospitals, airports and transit systems. The legislation's overall total has been estimated at $2 trillion.

其他provisions would provide loans to help small businesses of all types, including engineering and construction firms, and direct payments to individuals.




Some of the construction funding is contained in the $339.9-billion appropriations section of the overall package. ENR calculates that infrastructure and construction could be eligible for at least $43 billion of that total.

[View the Senate Appropriations Committee's summary of the appropriations title of the packagehere。]


Funds would be divided among U.S. transit agencies by existing formula.

Airport Grants

The legislation also has $10 billion in federal Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants, to be distributed to airports by existing formulas.

AIP money has traditionally been focused on infrastructure projects, but the new legislation says nearly all of the $10 billion can be used "for any purpose for which airport revenues may lawfully be used." That would seem to include non-infrastructure purposes.

美国机场高管协会主席兼首席执行官托德·霍普利(Todd Hauptli)表示,额外的资金将协助“从冠状病毒的影响以及在短短几周内发生的旅行急剧下降的急剧下降。”



DOD, VA Facilities

The legislation also contains $1.5 billion for the Dept. of Defense to expand military health facilities and modular field hospitals. Funds would almost triple the current total of 4,300 beds in U.S. military treatment facilities, according to a Senate Appropriations Committee Democrats' summary.

The Dept. of Veterans Affairs’ appropriations allocation includes $606 million for VA medical facilities, including funds to develop other sites for providing health care services and for projects to modify infrastructure and utility systems at existing VA facilities to reconfigure them for coronavirus patients.

There also is $150 million in VA grants to states to modify or reconfigure existing veterans’ facilities, such as hospitals and nursing homes.

The Commerce Dept.’s Economic Development Administration is allotted $1.5 billion for grants to states and localities. In the past, infrastructure has been one of the activities eligible for such grants.

Senate Democrats’ lead negotiator, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), said the overall package has a $150-billion infusion for the health care system, including “new construction to house patients.”

Elsewhere in the package is a $350-billion loan program for small businesses, which are prevalent in engineering and construction.


Stephen Sandherr, Associated General Contractors of America CEO, said in a March 26 statement that the Senate-approved legislation will provide construction contractors and workers "a needed lifeline to help them cope with a rapidly deteriorating business environment."

He cited provisions providing access to capital, faster cash flow, protection for worker benefits and important tax incentives.

More specifically, AGC highlighted cash-flow-related provisions allowing companies to delay paying payroll taxes through next Jan. 1, and permitting firms to "carry back" net operating losses for five years, to offset past earnings. Another section of the bill allows firms organized as partnerships, S corporations and other pass-through entities to deduct all 2020 losses in the current tax year.

Talk of New "Recovery" Bill

众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)(D-Calif。)已经在谈论起草进一步的后续立法。在3月26日的新闻发布会上,她描述了参议院通过的措施,重点是对病毒和医疗保健紧急情况的经济打击的“缓解”。Pelosi补充说:“接下来,我们将从紧急缓解到恢复”,并通过立法来促进经济增长并创造更多的就业机会。

Sandherr agrees that there's a need for additional legislation to "facilitate long-term recovery" and suggested including multiyear surface transportation and water resources infrastructure bills in that envisioned measure.

Story updated on 3/27/20 with House passage.