尽管全州范围内住家订单that deems construction as “essential” work, confusion continues across California as contractors, owners and construction workers look for government guidance on how to interpret vague and varying language from the state and its 58 counties and 480 cities.

州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)3月19日在家中命令要求所有加利福尼亚居民居住在家,除了工作16的人essential critical infrastructure types, as identified by the federal government, including communications, chemicals, dams, energy, transportation systems and water, among others.

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“It could be clearer,” says Mark Hartney, partner at Allen Matkins, a California-based law firm specializing in real estate. Hartney noted the order’s parenthetical addition of “including housing” to the initial order creates uncertainty.

Hartney points to local orders such as those from Los Angeles and Santa Monica, both of which have exempted commercial construction from stay-at-home orders.

“We know that by law, and expressly in these orders, that a local jurisdiction can be more restrictive but not less restrictive than the state,” says Hartney.

Daniel Engler, partner at San Francisco’s Cox Castle and Nicholson, agrees that the governor’s order as first written added to uncertainty.


For Hensel Phelps, the steps taken by the Counties and State have been helpful and sufficient to clarify construction as an “基本功能.”

“我们非常幸运的是,我们在加利福尼亚北部有90%的项目没有停止,”诺卡尔区Hensel 新利18备用网址Phelps项目开发总监Dave Valentine说。“我们正在积极遵循加利福尼亚州,疾病预防控制中心和我们项目所在的各个司法管辖区发出的命令,通常遵守最严格的要求。”新利18备用网址



例如,“承包商建造或维修杂货店并非豁免,但是在项目中执行的实际商店或功能将是豁免的,” Tateishi说。




“承包商被信息骚扰overwhelm and uncertainty,” says Emily Cohen, UCON executive vice president. “They need clarity, guidance, and relevant, up-to-date information on a range of issues.
