Penn Medicine is rushing to open part of a new hospital tower in University City in an effort to help with the influx of novel coronavirus patients.


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发言人在一份声明中说:“工作人员正在全天候工作,以令人难以置信的速度完成该项目 - 预计这些房间将在4月中旬准备就绪,在该设施计划开放之前15个月。”


3月19日,狼命令所有“非必要企业”关闭across the state, including construction companies. However, Philadelphia officials shortly thereafter said they would work with the governor to keep construction going, at least temporarily, referencing their desire to continue building at a hospital in the city.


宾夕法尼亚大学医学计划完成建造of the site – called“凉亭”– by 2021, but the current coronavirus outbreak seems to have accelerated the pace.

Philadelphia Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley has repeatedlywarned of the danger of the city’s health system being overwhelmed由冠状病毒患者。Farley与全国其他医疗保健专业人员一样,敦促感染的患者在寻求医院护理之前与其初级保健提供者联系,除非患有严重症状,否则试图在家中治疾病。


The numbers, which officials warn will continue to rise, also prompted Wolf to发出紧急豁免因此,全州的医院可以在与新冠状病毒引起的Covid-19患者涌入时增加医院病床。