所有者:Salt Lake City Corp.
Lead Design Firm:Blalock&Partners
Civil Engineer:安德森·瓦伦(Anderson Wahlen&Associates)
MEP Engineer:Van Boerum和Frank Associates
Electrical Engineer:频谱工程师
景观设计:G. Brown Design Inc.
Architectural Consultant:TCA建筑师
分包商:Bluestar钢;BRPI机械;卡特勒电气;尤金·摩根(Eugene Morgan&Son);铁马混凝土;mollerup玻璃;Southam&Associates;韦斯特伍德工厂和内阁

盐湖城的14号消防局被设计为该国最早的零能量消防局之一。NZE计划需要使用100%的现场可再生能源,在很大程度上使用安装在消防室下方安装的地热系统以及在屋顶上放置108 kW光伏阵列。

Station 14, along with its crosstown companion, Station No. 3, also completed last year, have become showcases for the city’s net-zero facilities mandate, following the success of its NZE public safety building a few years ago. The city says it wants to collect two years of data before declaring the new stations an NZE success, but substantially lower energy bills during the first year of operation have won over some skeptics.


设计ed as a 50-year facility, the 17,200-sq-ft Station 14, sited in the industrial northwest quadrant of the city, includes a four-bay apparatus garage, individual dorms for 12 firefighters, a 25-person multipurpose room, an exercise room, a second-floor exterior deck, a day room and a full-service commercial kitchen.

LEED黄金建筑使用的三维ent solar panels on the market, at 360 watts per panel. It also features a high-performance building envelope that incorporates continuous exterior insulation with R42 roof and R34 wall assemblies, triple-paned glazing assemblies with ceramic frit, and passive shading and ventilation.

However, during early construction, crews had trouble getting the geothermal heating and cooling system to work properly. After initial installation, which involved drilling 38 bore holes more than 300 ft deep, the system was not functioning at full capacity. Tests revealed that the line lacked sufficient pressure on the return side, says Joshua Jackson, project manager for Zwick Construction, the general contractor. “So we had to dig up a couple of sections, isolate them and test them [for pressure]. Ultimately, we had to increase the size of the pump to boost flow,” he says. “The small, complex geothermal field made the tolerances very tight.”

船员从地下管道上清除了空气,并在继续测试系统的同时修改了中央泵上的叶轮。这延迟了该项目,尽管机组人员能够重新确定大部分内容。Blalock&Partners的建筑师兼负责人凯文·布拉洛克(Kevin Blalock)说,升级后的地热系统成为该项目的“强大费用”。他说:“但是[升级]在50年的建筑物上获得想要的东西只有大约5%的颠簸,因此这是一个不聪明的东西。”

“如果没有(地热)系统,将不可能获得净净收入,”城市建筑师兼项目经理Sean Fyfe说。

Another key design element that proved tricky was installation of the öko skin for the exterior cladding. Variations of color and size in the material required the strategic layout of each piece on site through a series of in-situ mockups. “There was lot of trial and error with the öko skin to achieve the perfect fit,” Jackson says. “The design was so integral to [the building’s] function it required intense coordination to make all of it happen as planned.”

The city wanted Station 14 to provide a strong civic presence in a mostly industrial area. That presence was enhanced by the exterior cladding—a high-performance concrete panel skin coupled with zinc panels—with an extensive glass facade and a fully exposed 27-ft-high concrete wall in the apparatus bay. The wall, for aesthetic purposes, was required to have no joints since it’s a prominent visual feature, Jackson says. Those elements work together to make the building a recognizable icon. “But we were trying to create the right balance between making it fit within its context and creating an iconic building,” Blalock says.


