

The Corps has been named ENR Midwest’s Owner of the Year for the way in which the agency handled what it called the “floodfight” and for its promotion of resilience projects, along with maintaining and improving the vast array of infrastructure it manages through the Ohio and Great Lakes, Northwest and Mississippi Valley divisions.

A $999-million Rapid Disaster Infrastructure contract was the seventh-largest project in the region, according to ENR Midwest’s Top Starts ranking (see p. MW10), and is under the direction of USACE’s Omaha District, part of the Northwest Division.

“That [contract award] is a tool that we use to do responses to disasters across the country,” explains Col. John Hudson, commander and district engineer of the Omaha District. “It’s not for a specific disaster. It’s not specifically for the levees or a hurricane, but we’ll use it in multiple locations. It’s one of the tools that we use, but that’s not the only tool we’re using to get after the levees.”

“The Omaha District has been working nonstop since that flood in March 2019.”

– Ted Streckfuss, Deputy District Engineer, USACE, Omaha Distric

Hudson says that after last spring’s record rainfall and flooding in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Illinois, the USACE used its Rapid Response Team that, unique within the USACE, is designed to get contracts in place within 72 hours of an event like last spring’s floods. Just getting the team to some of the damaged levees was difficult because of the length of the rain and flood events and the fact that flows in the rivers were so high for so long that it was just impossible to even assess them in a timely manner, he says.

Over 80 Rapid Response contracts were used to repair damaged and breached levees since last year. Hudson calls them essential to effectively addressing the damage to the system.

“自2019年3月洪水以来,奥马哈地区一直在不停地工作,”副区工程师泰德·斯特雷克福斯(Ted Streckfuss)说。“即使在冬季最冷的部分,我们仍然继续工作。我们已经成功地继续与我们的建筑合作伙伴合作,以继续修复并关闭存在的一些违规行为。”


“The great thing is we work very closely with the National Weather Service, and our engineers are able to figure out and then predict, based on incoming storms, where they’re coming in, where that water is going to go,” says Maj. Gen. Robert Whittle, commander of the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division. “Sometimes you’re left with an Ohio River that’s in flood stage, and if that’s the case, there are certain types of work that can’t be done on those days. Then we just move forward and do the best we can once the river goes down to get back on track.”


“Floating construction is a cost savings. It’s innovative and it allows you to work in conditions where you do not have to I won’t say worry as much, but not be as concerned about the river levels because what’s being built is either on site, on land and floated in or built on a barge and then sunken in place,” says William Chapman, Great Lakes and Ohio River Division chief of operations. “There are just a lot of benefits to that.”

High water from rainier winters and springs has had an effect on all of this work, even when floods weren’t happening. A total of $60 million will go to Olmsted this year, mainly for dismantling Locks and Dams 52 and 53—the ones that Olmsted replaced when it opened in 2018, Whittle said.


对于目前正在进行的2020年建筑,该部门正在计划在俄亥俄河上的肯塔基州7号锁,锁和大坝2、3和4的肯塔基州锁定项目上,Monongahela河和Charleroi Locks and dam locks and d新利18备用网址am。

Aside from the USACE’s missions responding to disasters and maintaining waterway infrastructure such as locks, dams and reservoirs, it’s also responsible for acting as the federal government’s manager for new projects such as the $1.7-billion Next NGA West Headquarters in St. Louis, which was ranked No. 3 on ENR Midwest’s Top Starts list. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is a combination of intelligence agency and combat support agency, whose mission is to catalog and manage all of the federal government’s GIS mapping data.

The campus, known as N2W, will replace the current NGA facility located south of downtown St. Louis. N2W will be built on a 97-acre site in a blighted part of town. Estimated completion date is April 2023, and the campus is anticipated to be operational by 2025. At the groundbreaking ceremony, Sen. Roy Blunt (R. Mo.) joked that had it not been for the efforts of himself and Congressman Lacy Clay (D.), the NGA and the massive project might have gone “across the bridge” into Illinois.

USACE雇用了总部位于圣路易斯的麦卡锡建筑公司的设计建设团队和弗吉尼亚州福尔斯教堂的Hitt Contracting。完整的校园将包括70万平方英尺的办公楼,两个停车场,游客中心和一个交货检查设施。

“It’s rare to have an opportunity to build within a city,” says Stephanie Hall, the program manager for USACE. “It’s just not often done. What other major city in the U.S. can provide 97 continuous acres? The installation is Air Force property, but it’s not like being on a base.”

Jeff Boyer, McCarthy vice president of operations, says N2W is “a once-in-a-lifetime project,” and that the USACE is a client that has given the design-build contractor clear direction and an understanding of its view of the project.