
尽管一些国家作为预防措施已完全锁定,而至少有一个主要的英国建筑项目由于病毒的暴露而暂时停止,但到目前为止,美国只有一个主要的工作岗位,这是华盛顿州Snohomish县的一个大学宿舍项目,暂时已暂时停止工作。该项目在工人对Covid-19的阳性测试后暂停建筑。小型项目可能停止的唯一另一个地方是纽约市的纽约市新罗谢尔(New 新利18备用网址Rochelle)。

How and when will crippled business sectors such as aviation and tourism recover and what will be the fallout for construction?

that said, design and construction employers are grappling with the immediate effects of the pandemic and anticipate facing more—including disrupted workflows and business development processes, canceled meetings and networking events, emptied offices and employee distractions related to income, family health and concern about what the future will bring.


中国的最初反应不言而喻。作为世界研讨会,它在全球建筑供应链中占据着杰出的地位 - 钢铁和太阳能电池板以及其他重要的建筑材料和组件的生产领域。由于中国的压制性政府试图压制和转向冠状病毒新闻,因此损失了数周。它促进了迅速建造的临时医院的宣传,但在那个国家的吹口哨者吹响了警报,然后从视野中消失了。

Although China’s clampdown on information now has been shown as both a supply-chain and world health risk, we don’t believe that by this time in 2021, other countries will have wrested its advantage away as a low-price supplier.


the Trump Administration has hardly distinguished itself during this pandemic. There was some wisdom in cutting off visitors from other countries with growing numbers of coronavirus cases. But the failure to anticipate that hundreds of U.S. citizens would rush to return and get stuck standing shoulder-to-shoulder in crowds at O’Hare, Dulles and other major airports—exactly what is to be avoided to stop the spread of the virus—is just one of several bad errors.


Why has the administration instead not focused on important policy issues, such as possible future mandatory minimum paid sick leave during pandemics, to discourage those who potentially have the virus from coming to work because they badly need the pay? And as far as the lag in testing and preparedness in general, the dissonance between the president’s proclamations and comments by his own health chiefs has been telling.

the March 14 announcement to ramp up coronavirus testing through a public-private partnership that would involve a Google health affiliate and top pharmacies such as Walmart, CVS, Target and Walgreens is interesting. But the scope and timing remains a mystery. Suddenly, private companies have become lead players in the vital coronavirus testing program push. At this point it is impossible to trust that such improvisation will ever amount to an effective and coherent test effort.

