Amid coronavirus fears, global manufacturing and service sectors experienced the steepest fall since 2009, says the February edition of IHS Markit Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index, released in early March.

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China's economy has seen the largest fall, with South Korea, Japan and Taiwan also hit hard by the impact of the virus.

这家研究公司的首席商业经济学家克里斯·威廉姆森(Chris Williamson)指出,在去年第四季度之前的低迷之后,尤其是在中国以外的日本,日本目前正在挣扎。


While the PMI rose in the Eurozone, Williamson predicts a recession in both Italy and Germany, as well as a downturn in Spain and France, with virus outbreaks there "to act as a drag."


The U.S. suffered its first drop in overall business activity since 2013, following six months of slowing growth.
