
Because construction projects are highly complex, collaborative, interdependent and long-lasting team efforts, the exact final cost is impossible to estimate. It has never been a matter of skullduggery or incompetence that leads to contentious extras, cost overruns or busted schedules, as many industry patrons have come to believe. It’s actually the nature of the construction project. The high risk of those projects is exacerbated when the owner and contractor enter into a one-way, fixed-price contract designed to protect the owner from the presumably unscrupulous, incompetent contractor.

This insanity must stop.


The new methods take the form of owners trying to keep contractors “honest” by designing “tougher” contracts. I recently asked Tom Soles, the member services executive director of the Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association, if his members are seeing any changes in the risks they face. His response echoes what I hear from others.



Then, too, there are crazy government contracting policies. And I say they are still crazy after all these years.

Look at how the New York Daily News reported Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s approval of legislation granting the city the power to streamline capital projects and cut costs through a contracting method known as design-build. Cuomo has actively promoted design-build and credits it for success on the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement.

“大肆宣传技术使得城市机构to issue a single request for proposal and contract for the engineering and construction of capital projects,” the newspaper stated. “The bill also forces contractors to cover any extra costs that come with unexpected changes or delays.”



“What we call design-build or alternative procurement is actually a risk-transfer tool for owners, whose challenge has been to deliver schedule and price certainty,” says Guy Gast, Iowa division president of The Waldinger Corp.


Don’t be fooled. If you are flattered by being given “total control” of your project by the State of New York (or any other owner), consider this. They don’t necessarily believe you are a better designer; they are just trying to get you to assume more risk. And contractors cannot assume any more risk in a highly complex, collaborative, interdependent, long-lasting team effort whose exact final cost is, in point of fact, impossible to estimate.

如果您有专栏的想法,请联系观点编辑Richard Kormankormanr@新利18备用