
法律的更改于2月20日生效,建筑师是在建筑师之后制定的12月,由于曼哈顿大楼的碎片而丧生. They include new penalties as well as more robust inspection mandates and documentation.

Sara Director, a partner at law firm Barasch McGarry, warns that "building owners need to comply with the new rules or risk fines, damages in civil litigation from individuals injured or killed by the building façade, and even criminal penalties."

The latter could happen under an already existing law if an owner is charged with violating the city's administrative code, which carries maximum penalties of a $25,000 fine and one year of imprisonment.

In a client advisory that Hoffman Architects Inc. issued ahead of the changes taking effect, the firm notes the following, says its communications manager, Alison Hoffman:

  • 现在未能提交可接受的检查报告可能会产生5,000美元的民事罚款,增加了五倍。
  • 备案较晚的所有者每月罚款1,000美元,是上一次每月罚款的四倍。
  • Owners who fail to correct unsafe conditions are liable for a $1,000-per-month penalty, plus a monthly fine for each linear foot of sidewalk shed, starting at $10 per linear ft of shed per month after the first year, and increasing each year thereafter, up to $40 per linear ft.
  • 未能纠正“维修和维护计划的安全”,或者在法律的“周期”中纠正条件,因此现在必须根据新规则将其作为不安全提交,将罚款2,000美元。



Still, the changes offer new burdens for noncompliant owners.

CTA Architects合伙人Frank Scanlon说:“经修订的规则肯定会给受影响建筑物的所有者带来更多费用。”“需要其他脚手架滴,可能需要提起申请的墙类型的可能探针。罚款和罚款大大增加,并且有几个新类别。”

One major change, Scanlon says, is the new requirement for close-up physical scaffold examinations of exterior walls, which owners or their representatives must now conduct at intervals of 60 ft along the length of a structure.


Director points out that there are also additional requirements related to experience and responsibilities of qualified exterior wall inspectors, who must be able to spot potentially dangerous faade conditions.

Hoffman says that "the real impact on building owners comes with the more demanding inspection requirements."

Indeed, while the penalties have made the biggest headlines, Director argues that the fines are "insufficient" for deep-pocketed owners in the city.


