两位前官员的钢铁工人工会等l in Indiana have pleaded guilty in federal court for their role in a 2016 assault on a group of nonunion iron workers on the site of a church construction project.

56岁的杰夫·维奇(Jeff Veach)和68岁的托马斯·威廉姆森(Thomas Williamson)于1月24日对霍布斯法案的勒索串谋认罪,面向印第安纳州哈蒙德联邦地方法院的美国地方法院法官约翰·马丁(John Martin)。according to the Dept. of Justice

Veach是位于印第安纳州Portage的Local 395的前总裁,Williamson是当地的前商业代理商。在他们取悦之前,Veach辞去了当地总统,威廉姆森(Williamson)退休,担任商业经纪人。

威廉姆森(Williamson)和维奇(Veach)承认,2016年1月7日,他们同谋使用实际和威胁性暴力行为,从伊利诺伊州荷兰的总承包商拉格斯特·穆尔德(Lagestee-Mulder)获得当地395的商业合同,并从伊利诺伊州的荷兰人获得了D5 Iron Works的工会劳动合同, 患病的。

D5正在Portage镇的Portage Creek Christian Academy Project在Dyer镇的Dyer Baptist教堂执行结构性熨斗。

The defendants admitted to knowing that D5 was not signed to a labor contract with Local 395 and that on Jan. 6, Williamson visited the church job site to talk to the foreman of the D5 crew and convince him to “sign up” with Local 395, or to stop work on the site, the Justice Dept. said.



D5工头再次拒绝加入联盟,并要求两名被告离开现场。威廉姆森(Williamson)生气,抓住了工头的外套,称他为“ scab bastard”。当他们离开现场时,威廉姆森对Veach表示,他们将不得不“把事情带回老派”。

The two defendants then gathered about 10 rank-and-file members of Local 395 to return to the site that afternoon. Once there, the union members attacked the D5 workers and beat them with fists and loose pieces of hardwood, kicking them while they were on the ground, according to the plea.

As a result of the attack, one D5 worker sustained a broken jaw that required several surgeries and extended hospitalization. As part of their plea agreement, Williamson and Veach agreed to pay full restitution to the victims.



A representative of D5 said the company had no comment on the case. Iron Workers Local 395 in Portage did not return calls from ENR seeking comment.

A federal grand jury in August 2018indicted威廉姆森(Williamson)和维奇(Veach)涉及一项勒索阴谋和两项未遂勒索罪。(查看Enr新利18备用 2018故事here。)

