Craig L. Martin has been retired for more than four years, but his legacy lives on at work every day.

“My accomplishments revolve around leading growth, developing people, building teams and, if I had to pick one thing in particular, safety,” says Martin, an engineer by training who retired in December 2015 after nine years as president and CEO of Dallas-based Jacobs. For nearly a half century, he specialized in major infrastructure projects worldwide, including energy, transportation, environmental, water and wastewater, power, utilities and telecommunications.

Martin’s steadfast belief that construction and engineering services are best offered by companies dedicated to a zero-incidence safety goal has led to industry-wide changes in safety practices. In 2018, construction activities resulted in 1,008 fatalities and 199,100 recordable cases of private-industry nonfatal workplace injuries nationwide, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“He is doing everything in his power, both in the professional world and in the world of academia, to make ... an injury-free workplace a reality,” said former Jacobs associate Cora Carmody, introducing Martin at the ENR Best Projects ceremony in Los Angeles in October for the presentation of the Legacy Award.

和马丁的遗产作为一个安全先锋仍然是growing. In 2019, Martin and his wife, Diane, founded the Craig and Diane Martin National Center for Construction Safety at the University of Kansas, his alma mater, with a $3.5-million endowment and an objective to develop life-and-injury-saving ideas and technologies.

“Craig believes in keeping people safe at work and at home; we are very happy to find a way to put this passion into action,” Diane Martin says, noting that he even chats with their Pasadena, Calif., neighbors about safety.


马丁(Martin)是堪萨斯州道奇城(Dodge City)的本地人,他于1971年获得了土木工程学士学位。十年后,他通过丹佛大学的执行计划获得了MBA学位。1972年,他加入了威奇托(Wichita)的Martin K. Eby Construction Co.,在那里他管理了与建筑有关的项目超过4000万美元。新利18备用网址

During this time, the issue of safety transformed his thinking about changing company culture. “One of the people I worked for, who was very safety conscious at work, was killed while working at home,” Martin recalls. “He accidentally let a ladder he was using touch a power line, and he was electrocuted. It helped me realize that safety isn’t an 8-to-5 thing.”

马丁是“宗教”在安全性和领袖ship role in the industry early in his career, says Warren Dean, a friend since graduate school with whom Martin worked from 1983 to 1989 at CRSS Constructors Inc. Martin eventually became CRSS president, where he helped develop one of the country’s first privately owned and operated toll roads in California.

“Craig was always able to see the bigger picture. He is the most diverse and deep person I have ever known in the industry,” says Dean, who said Martin’s dedication to safety extended beyond technical aspects to the personal side. “You can do it by the book and still have accidents; Craig talked about personal responsibility to yourself and your work associates—pursuing safety pre-emptively rather than just reactively.”

Leading Into the New Century

When Jacobs acquired CRSS’s construction management and engineering divisions in 1994, Martin joined the company. In 2006, he became president and CEO and served on the board of directors.

During his tenure, the firm joined the Fortune 500 as revenue grew to over $12 billion from $1.16 billion with a workforce that tripled to 65,000 in 250 offices in 30 countries. By 2010, Jacobs ranked in ENR’s list of the top 10 firms for design and construction.

雅各布斯表现良好,但马丁不满意。总部位于奥斯汀的咨询公司JMJ Associates的创始人Jay Greenspan于2003年开始与Jacobs合作,以减少和消除重型工业环境中的工人伤害。马丁“他的分析师对他们的安全绩效进行了一些数字,他们提出的东西非常令人不安:按照目前的改善和增长的速度,他们说,雅各布斯将花费50多年的时间才能停止伤害人们,并且简直是他不可接受的,”他说。“他的任务是他的EVP,找到一种方法来显着加速这一改善速度,但是几周后,他们空白了。”


“People talk about numbers, but any number is not okay. If it is not zero, people are still getting hurt.”

- 克雷格·马丁(Craig Martin)

As the company grew, Martin also grew the firm’s awareness and safety improvement. The result: Jacobs’ “Beyond Zero – A Culture of Caring.” Begun in 2007, that initiative engaged the company to commit to safety through new attitudes extending beyond the office and project sites into employee’s lifestyles and their communities.

“Regardless of the circumstances, Craig never faltered in his drive to eliminate incidents and injuries and move the company into having everyone associated with Jacobs not just go home uninjured but to become healthier as a result of working at Jacobs,” Greenspan says.

The initiative was transformative. “The effort was about inspiring a courage to care,” Martin says. “People talk about numbers, but any number is not okay, even if you’re showing marked improvement. If it is not zero, people are still getting hurt.”


2010年,苏珊·斯蒂尔(Susan Steele)接受了马丁(Martin)的《全球维护服务副总裁》(Global Maintenance Services)的角色,并立即受到他的安全承诺的启发。当时,雅各布斯现场服务业务部门的一部分,该部门由15,000名主管和工艺工人组成,他们在工业工厂设施中进行工厂维护,资本项目和周转。新利18备用网址


斯蒂尔说:“我们在一个宣布的未来统一的未来,我们像家人一样对待所有人。”今天是费城计划管理公司Hill International的董事会成员。“这个角色为鼓励其他公司的报名推动人力安全绩效的界限提供了一个平台。”新利18备用

Yet Martin was still not satisfied.

To further his safety efforts, he met with Tom F. Gilbane Jr., chairman and CEO of Providence-based Gilbane Inc., to discuss what it means to be a company leader committed to culture change and an incident- and injury-free company—goals that Gilbane shared.

They asked JMJ, best known for creating the Incident and Injury-Free™ (IIF™) safety practices for the world’s most hazardous industries, to convene a meeting of other similarly minded CEOs. In 2009, 15 CEOs met for the first CEO IIF Free Forum. (The 22nd meeting has just taken place.) Martin notes that he “religiously attended” until he retired and still attends when he can.

Safety Efforts

Coordinating with other members of the Construction Industry Round Table (CIRT) in McLean, Va., he helped establish a national “Construction Safety Week.” The first industry-wide event was held in 2014 with 27 other companies. This event has grown to include 70 construction firms worldwide as well as many other industry parties who support worksite safety.

“This is what happens when a visionary leader like Craig Martin takes a powerful stand for the transformation not only of his own company, Jacobs, but of the whole engineering and construction industry,” Greenspan says.

Martin’s career efforts culminate in Kansas University’s Center for Construction Safety, founded with the goals of fostering a culture of jobsite safety through constant awareness; designing for safety when projects begin; improving tools and equipment, including warning technology, virtual reality and augmented reality, building information modeling (BIM), robotics and automation; coordinating with industry and academic partners; and serving as a clearing house for ideas and innovations that improve safety.

Martin says that he and Diane stipulated two procedural elements for the center: a multidisciplinary approach and a “reduction to practice” philosophy. The first incorporates perspectives from civil engineering, construction and psychological and social sciences—in particular, behavior modification.

“It is key to the success of the center that the approach, research and critical thinking be multidisciplinary in nature and not confined to traditional avenues for improving safety performance,” says David Darwin, the Deane E. Ackers distinguished professor and chair at Kansas University’s department of civil, environmental and architectural engineering.

The Martins’ second request was that research should maximize industry value and center on discoveries that directly translate to site or building safety attitudes. “The results of the center’s work should be of immediate use in the industry. We want to avoid theory for theory’s sake. Some outputs may apply directly to field implementation and some to the management and leadership of just keeping people safe at work and getting them home safely at night,” Martin says.

In retirement, Martin is a board member of CSRA, a Falls Church, Va.-based government services IT company. And for Hill International, he was non-executive chairman in September 2016 and chairman of the board until September 2018.

Steve Curts served with Martin on the Hill board from late 2015 through October 2018. “Craig’s expertise in the engineering industry was obvious from Day 1. His business judgment was superior and sound,” says Curts, a managing director of the New York City private equity firm Certares. “What also struck me was his integrity and concern for safety, which is paramount in the engineering industry today.”

“Martin will be known for growing Jacobs into a truly remarkable organization, nurturing and cultivating Jacobs’ culture of caring and leading the construction industry to improve safety,” Darwin says.