Communication strength and 'people skills' are essential for career success. Complete a quick search online and one will find countless articles, books and references to the best way to communicate with others in the workplace. There also are a plethora of savvy tips and tricks to "move up the career ladder."



A constant complaint I receive from industry professionals looking to hire graduates for entry-level construction positions is that the graduates have a difficult time with professional communications. “We can teach them the technical skills,” I have been told, “but we don’t have the time to teach them the other stuff.”

One of those skills is the ability to understand what the audience or listeners are interested in.

One of those skills is the ability to understand what the audience and listeners are interested in.

当我在众多数百万美元的医疗保健项目中担任顾问时,我目睹了建筑管理团队向所有者团队解释了为什么例如,为什么一个特定项目会与另一个项目发生冲突,以及如何新利18备用网址通过移动来解决这一问题另一个项目7 1⁄2英寸向下 - 比所需或想要的更多细节。

What the owners were most interested in were quality and schedule issues.

Another time, a member of the construction team was leading a group of the future hospital’s nurses on a project tour. The construction team led them through patient rooms, the cafeteria and the pharmacy—but not the operating room suites that the nurses were most curious about.

Technology tends to work against the completeness of an undergraduate's communication and interactions.


With the many distractions in today’s world, students are not able to focus on specific items such as audience and content for extended time periods, and they lack the wherewithal to recognize and adjust to non-verbal cues during communication.






One team member was only allowed to communicate face-to-face, representing a Baby Boomer, while another could communicate face-to-face and via a telephone, to represent Generation X.

The final team member could only communicate via email or telephone, representing Generation Y. These constraints forced students to adjust their presentations.


These constraints pushed the students outside their comfort zones and forced them adjust their presentations.


“You need to be versatile in communication,” one student wrote in his evaluation. Another said this mix of face-to-face, email and phone communication was exactly what he saw during his internship at a construction company.

I hope my students all come out of my classes as better communicators.


John Posillico is an assistant professor in the Construction Technology and Management Program at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich. He can be reached at