漫长而越来越多的演讲活动清单。数百英里以慈善自行车骑行登录。在行业倡导团体中,无数小时的志愿服务。这些只是克里斯蒂娜·赖利(Christina Riley)几乎花费她几乎所有的空闲时间和度假日的几种方式,以寻求为来自不同背景的人们(包括LGBTQ员工,退伍军人,残疾人和心理健康问题)创造一个更热情的工作场所。

Riley “is the leading voice in the industry on LGBT inclusion,” says Adam Smith, creative lead at Tideway London, a multi-billion-dollar, 25-kilometer sewer tunnel. As a speaker and panelist for Tideway diversity events, “Riley has spoken very openly about her experiences as a trans person. Many attendees have commented on how important it is to hear these types of stories in the industry,” Smith adds.

An industry veteran of more than 25 years, Riley had known since at least 2004 that she wanted to transition from male to female but “kept it all bottled up as a secret, which caused a lot of anxiety and mental health issues,” she says. But in 2014, her then employer, Balfour Beatty, launched an LGBTQ network, and she knew it was the right time to come out and begin her transition. She chaired the LGBTQ network there for several years. Now a senior planner at Kier Group, Riley co-chairs a similar networking group.

She also volunteers at several industry-wide LGBTQ groups in the U.K., and she is a founding member of Building Equality, a network of more than 50 large construction firms in the U.K. that fights for diversity and inclusion. Riley also founded and runs @LGBTConstruct, where she delivers dozens of toolbox talks on inclusion, safety and anti-bullying at projects like Crossrail and for owners such as Disney and Rolls-Royce. She also led workshops sponsored by the U.K.- government-funded Construction Industry Training Board.

“她一直在大胆的步骤, and her openness and honesty in sharing her own journey has undoubtedly been a source of inspiration to many,” says Greg Turner-Smart, a business improvement manager at Rolls-Royce. He brought Riley in to lead trans awareness sessions to educate “our employees on issues faced by the transgender community,” and to explain how they “can support our own trans colleagues so that we create an even better workplace.”


“我对克里斯蒂娜(Christina)继续表现出使工程更具包容性领域所表现出的精力和热情感到惊讶。她是一个真正的榜样,”特纳 - 玛特说。
