他回忆说,山姆·哈苏恩(Sam Hassoun)是巴勒斯坦难民的儿子,他小时候逃到科威特(Kuwait),他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说,他回忆说。“没有人会授予您签证。没有人想要求你。”

但是哈桑发现作为一个工程师改变that. “With an engineering degree, you could at least survive wherever you go. There’s always a need for an engineer to build something,” he says. And once he became a U.S. citizen, he finally felt that sense of belonging.


Hassoun has positively influenced a number of projects by persuading C-suite officials to truly commit to partnering. He is a member of AGC’s Caltrans Liaison Committee to address the issues and opportunities. He is also a member of the Statewide Partnering Committee, comprised of industry leaders and California Dept. of Transportation leaders.


After earning his engineering degree in Ohio, Hassoun began his career with Bechtel, working on nuclear power plants around the country. After seven years, Hassoun wanted a place to call home. He found it in California, where Caltrans hired him to work on bridges in the late 1980s.

在洛马·普埃塔(Loma Prieta)地震之后,哈苏恩(Hassoun)被任命为卡尔特兰(Caltrans)的质量计划经理,在洛玛·普埃塔(Loma Prieta)地震后进行维修。他回忆说:“伙伴不存在。”他从头开始创建了文件和培训。


Kyle Larkin, senior vice president with Granite Construction, says that Hassoun recently got Granite and leaders from one of Caltrans’ districts together to discuss past project and lessons learned. “I’m not sure I have ever met anyone more passionate about creating this collaborative culture in our industry.”

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