They’re the ultimate team players, whether employed in New York and New Jersey or in the construction industry beyond.




  • Guillermo Diaz-Fanas, a senior technical principal at WSP USA in New York City and a member of ENR New York’s Top Young Professionals group in 2019. He is also the founder of the nonprofit Qu-AKE, which empowers LGBTQIA+ individuals working in the built environment.
  • 泰德·哈默(Ted Hammer),曼哈顿建筑业办公室的校长。他拥有超过35年的国家和国际经验,作为各种项目类型的设计负责人。
  • 她于2015年成立的纽约州希克斯维尔市Amaracon测试和检查总裁Connie Zambianchi。Zambianchi也被选为Enr Enl National的全国20岁以下40岁以下40名榜单。新利18备用


Top Young Pros: Cultivating Innovation, Mentoring Colleagues

Melding the arts with fire engineering


With expertise in code consulting, performance-based design and fire protection, Barrot solves big problems using fire engineering. Armed with dual bachelor’s degrees in film and performance studies and mechanical engineering from the University of Sydney, he’s combined his two loves into a career as a fire engineer. He has since led the fire discipline for the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre for the Toronto Transit Commission and Mexico City International Airport, an 8-million-sq-ft project. He also dedicates time and energy to community work, overseeing subcommittees on student outreach as chair of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, informing students about STEM careers and fire protection engineering. He sums up the goals of all his outreach: helping make others aware of fire engineers and the value they bring society.

劳拉·贝努伊特(Laura Benoit)劳拉·贝努伊特(Laura Benoit)
Construction leader inspired by the United Nations

39, Senior Project Manager
Gilbane Building Co.

Benoit回头时,这是一个儿童访问to the United Nations—and a drawing of the structure that she made in her journal—that inspired her architecture career. Now as a senior project manager, she finds that the following principles guide her: creating lasting relationships through quality work; exceeding what others expect; and acting, speaking and delivering with integrity. She’s traveled overseas to ensure fabricators and suppliers provide quality products on time. Current and past assignments include landmark projects like the Thurgood Marshall Courthouse renovation and 130 Williams St., where Benoit oversees all interiors and amenities in the 242-unit luxury residential tower. Her leadership has won her several awards including the Women Builders Council’s Outstanding Women in Construction Award.

萨曼莎·布鲁梅尔(Samantha Brummell)共同开发了可持续生物复合材料的新测试程序。

萨曼莎·布鲁梅尔(Samantha Brummell)萨曼莎·布鲁梅尔(Samantha Brummell)

Thornton Tomasetti


Francesca BrandoFrancesca Brando

Thornton Tomasetti


她的项目新利18备用网址跨越了整个国家,包括对明尼阿波利斯的I-35 West Bridge崩溃的法医调查;世界贸易中心圣尼古拉斯国家神社的结构设计和进行性崩溃分析;以及美国国会大厦大楼圆顶的结构康复。


Drew DepalmaDrew Depalma
Connector bridges communication gaps

36, Director of Operations



Jared Donamiller贾里德·唐纳米尔(Jared Donnamiller)

36, Partner



罗伯特·菲尔兹(Robert Fields)罗伯特·菲尔兹(Robert Fields)


As an environmental engineer, Fields has overseen environmental remediation and mitigation services for major clients, including the New York City School Construction Authority and New York City Transit. In 2012, after Superstorm Sandy, Fields helped to coordinate emergency response and cleanup efforts for dozens of public schools across New York. As the region responded to new standards for resilience, Fields worked with STV’s architects and engineers to help mitigate and protect buildings, facilities and transit systems from flooding and natural disasters.

Fields also tackles drinking water issues, specifically the literally blue water found when microbiologically influenced corrosion impacts new copper piping systems. He’s has pursued hundreds of remedial actions to address bacteria, elevated copper and lead in drinking water. Fields has developed a nondestructive restoration technique as well as pilot testing using piping samples extracted from sections of an affected system.

莎拉·弗里德曼(Sarah Friedman)莎拉·弗里德曼(Sarah Friedman)
Role model for a new generation of engineers

Aecom Tishman

作为一名为期10年的高级项目经理,弗里德曼(Friedman)在纽约(New York:The Trabeca)的全球总部(Citigr新利18备用网址oup Global Tremquarters the Town Square Space)占据了著名的项目,这是一个三层楼的中庭,包括对现有建筑物的结构修改;炮台公园城的高盛总部;以及格林威治村新学校的大学中心。弗里德曼还花时间作为志愿者和导师。通过曼哈顿的新鲜空气基金,她指导来自高危社区的高中生,并鼓励学生从事数学和科学的职业。

Because of Samaneh Gholitabar’s research, new methods now exist for quantifying local wind speeds throughout Manhattan.

Samaneh GholitabarSamaneh Gholitabar

37, Assistant Project Manager

Gholitabar has tackled robust aviation projects since joining her firm’s construction management division in 2017. As part of the project management team, she’s helped oversee the $4-billion Delta Air Lines Redevelopment Project at LaGuardia Airport. Gholitabar’s also known for her research and analysis. During her doctoral studies at New York University, Gholitabar developed a methodology to quantify risk of bridge scour failure for New York state bridges. She also developed a novel way to quantify risk of windborne debris from buildings under construction. Because of Gholitabar’s research, new methods now exist for quantifying local wind speeds throughout Manhattan. She has shared the results of this research with national and international conferences in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.

乔丹·亨肖(Jordan Henshaw)乔丹·亨肖(Jordan Henshaw)
34, Chief Estimator
Unifies teams toward a common goal
Kiewit Eastern
Woodcliff Lake, N.J.

Henshaw每年监督超过60亿美元的估计。她已经培训了50个估算员团队,以通过创建标准操作程序和报告来提高效率和一致性,以改善工作流程。她是一名不懈的志愿者,尤其是对于海滩和高速公路清理工作,并将团队统一到一个共同的目标。2018年,Henshaw成立了一项名为Eastern District妇女或Edwomen的倡议,该计划旨在通过指导和领导培训来推进和保留才华横溢的妇女。Edwomen还通过大学和K-12外展和营地与学生互动。在Kiewit Eastern中,该计划将女性与合适的导师搭配,并创建一个男性盟友网络,以帮助女性成功。她致力于工程和建筑行业,并获得了包括女子建设者理事会的杰出女性建筑商的奖项。

Melissa JohnsonMelissa Johnson

梅利莎·约翰逊(Melissa Johnson Associates)

专业知识在道路、桥梁、灾难贫ef and historic preservation, Johnson has found success as an outreach consultant in New York. She has engaged with such government agencies as the New York City Dept. of Transportation, New Jersey Transit and New York City Hall. As company founder and president, she and her team manage community outreach on more than a dozen projects for NYCDOT and New York State Dept. of Transportation, including improving the design of Lower Concourse Park and New York City Dept. of Design and Construction’s resiliency construction program. Johnson has also helped to innovate the city’s earliest disaster relief and resiliency projects following Hurricane Sandy. She’s a member of Professional Women in Construction’s New York Chapter and is involved in historic preservation initiatives.

雷蒙德·凯瑟尔(Raymond J. Kesel)雷蒙德·凯瑟尔(Raymond J. Kesel)


On his first architectural project, at age 10, Kesel built—with his dad—an addition to his childhood home, tripling its size. Kesel says his father, a general contractor, taught him by bringing home blueprints and talking about the projects around the kitchen table. Now a registered architect, he works as an associate on high-profile projects including One Vanderbilt in New York City, the Edmonton Airport in Alberta and the first high-pressure processing validation lab in the U.S., which is located at Cornell University. Through Stantec community engagement activities, Kesel attends career fairs for local high schools and has mentored and critiqued work for students in the master of architecture program at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

BJ KraemerBJ Kraemer

MCFA Global

When Kraemer first joined MCFA Global, a small business development and consulting firm for large infrastructure projects, he knew he would someday become majority owner. In April he achieved that goal and helped secure MCFA’s growth by attaining Veteran-Owned Small Business status for the company. Armed with a West Point undergraduate degree in systems engineering and a master’s degree in engineering management, Kraemer also served as an officer in the U.S. Army, deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan for seven years. The CEO brings to his team the tenacity he learned as an early entrepreneur in 2007, when he built up and sold a thriving residential construction group in his hometown of Baltimore. He still serves in the Army Reserves and co-wrote a book, “The Strong Gray Line,” to honor his best friend, Dennis Zilinski, who died in battle.

Charlie MarinoCharlie Marino


As a leader in energy services, Marino contributes to city plans while helping his team identify portfolio opportunities for energy conservation and carbon reduction. In six years, he has built that team from two to 10 engineers. To better help clients optimize energy and operate facilities more cost effectively, Marino became a certified energy auditor and got LEED certified; his team performs analyses in existing buildings across all market sectors. The team’s marquee project for Rockefeller Center led to $3 million in annual savings across 10 buildings for low/no-cost operation improvements alone. This work earned the team a 2016 Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of New York. He served the NYC Mayor’s Office 80X50 Technical Working Group as co-chair for commercial buildings, helping New York develop legislation that aims to cut carbon emissions 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050.

阿门·穆尔克利斯(Amen Mulkhlis)阿门·穆尔克利斯(Amen Mulkhlis)
Civil engineer hones leadership skills

MTA - New York City Transit

领导力,成就,参与和指导最佳定义了伊拉克出生的伊拉克纽约市运输工具的高级工程师。哦,也是“英雄”一词 - MTA Capital计划的管理层荣幸地拯救了客户免于移动的火车。在担任土木工程师的五年中,他监督了11个洪水弹性建设项目,超过2亿美元,桑迪部门内的两个结构性升级项目。新利18备用网址当他失去了与外界的食物,电力,药物和交流时,他将自己的动力归因于生存沙漠风暴战争。美国土木工程师学会将他命名为2019年的年轻政府工程师,并于2018年获得了纽约市交通奖奖学金。Mulkhlis冠军资深和少数民族和少数民族拥有的企业和导师纽约市高中学生,并鼓励他们来将工程作为职业。

Michael MudalelMichael Mudalel

39, Senior Associate Engineer
MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor

Mudalel and his three partners founded their engineering consulting business in a New York apartment. Each partner invested $100 in the venture, and Mudalel worked a full-time job for the first five months. Today the firm has 100 employees across three offices in three states. With 14 years in consulting engineering, Mudalel’s expertise in subsurface investigations, waterfront designs and sustainable design has helped develop MFS’ reputation for meeting project budgets and schedules. He and his partners also started a separate construction company that provides heavy civil construction and geotechnical drilling. He volunteers with Habitat for Humanity and even had the firm’s New Jersey staff take a paid day off to work alongside him on a project for the group.

emotoye omoniyiemotoye omoniyi
Leading construction the right way in honor of his dad

Gilbane Building Co.

Omoniyi’s late father always urged him to do things the right way: be straight and on point with your work and the people with whom you work. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering earned in Nigeria and a master’s degree in construction management from Robert Gordon University in Scotland, Omoniyi’s notable projects include redeveloping the Atlantic Yards, Columbia University and Barclays Center. His roles have ranged from construction site supervisor to mitigation engineer to assistant project manager. In 2015, he won Gilbane’s Quality in Construction Award. Currently, Omoniyi works as lead superintendent for Brooklyn Navy Yards.

Chitwan SalujaChitwan Saluja

36, Director of Digital Technology, North

Saluja在建筑和建筑领域工作了12年,为她的公司指导数字技术。她曾在复杂的项目中担任成本经理,建筑工程师,调度员和项目经理,包括哥伦比亚大学的曼哈顿维尔开发小组,特拉华州的杜邦校园和皇后区的新第116届Precinct Station House。新利18备用网址在竞争性,以男性为主的行业中,萨鲁贾(Saluja)致力于打破STEM职业的刻板印象。她指导高中生,尤其是女孩,讲述建筑,建筑管理和工程学的职业。萨鲁贾(Saluja)在包括美国建筑管理协会在内的会议上发表讲话,主持有关AEC行业的小组讨论,并为杂志和期刊写作。萨鲁贾还将女子建设者委员会的2019年杰出女性名单。

Rawle SawhRawle Sawh
Construction visualization pro leads landmark projects

Gilbane Building Co.


莎拉·奎塔尔(Sarah Quintal)莎拉·奎塔尔(Sarah Quintal)
36, Energy and Resilience Analyst
Ecology and Environment Inc.

Quintal与国家公园管理局(National Park Service),AmericCorps和Michigan Riley Urban Farm(她帮助建立了一个有机农场)的早期社区合作,以学习和扩展和提高自己的技能的动力。Quintal最初加入了她的公司,担任提案协调员和作家,在那里她将复杂的综合大量信息蒸发到了引人注目的计划中。As an energy and resilience analyst, Quintal applies her master’s degree in environmental management—earned from the Nicholas School of the Environment and the Duke Environmental Leadership Program—to sustainability projects and initiatives related to energy planning, efficiency, community engagement and building resilience to climate change. Thanks to her efforts to push for corporate accountability for sustainability, the Western New York Sustainable Business Roundtable appointed her to its board of directors in June.