With growing ire over delays to demolish the partially collapsed Hard Rock Hotel in New Orleans, the project’s developer is pushing back against comments by the city’s fire chief that the developer is intentionally delaying demolition of the building.

Three months after a partial collapse killed three construction workers and injured dozens, the Hard Rock Hotel still sits largely as it did in the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 12 collapse. The battered remains of two successfully demolished tower cranes still litter the site, and the bodies of two construction workers, killed in the building collapse, remain unrecovered in the rubble.

项目开发商1031 Canal Street Development LLC在1月6日发表的声明中说,禁止在新奥尔良运河街上该地点上的工作。崩溃后,已经针对开发商和项目团队提起了几项诉讼。

On Jan. 3, New Orleans Fire Superintendent Tim McConnell provided an update, saying the city was unhappy with the delayed demolition which, he said, was caused by the developer.

拆除was initially scheduled to begin in February. Now it appears that demolition may not be complete until year-end. McConnell said current plans call for the building to be stabilized before it is demolished. Street traffic is still being detoured around the site.

KOH Argioning LLC的姊妹公司Dem/Tech拆除承包商Dem/Tech最初提议崩溃该结构,但是在提出了有关碎屑损害附近建筑物的担忧之后,该计划发生了变化。

开发商在声明中说,只有在涉及的人员批准该过程后才能进行拆除。“该市的承包商和工程公司正在与我们的承包商和工程师携手合作,他们共同确定了前进的道路。1031 Canal Street Development LLC对工程设计的稳定或拆除没有影响。”

1031 Canal Street Development also said the cause of the collapse is still under investigation, and it “relied upon design professionals to construct the building.”

Citadel Builders is the general contractor, Heaslip Engineering is the structural engineer and Harry Baker Smith Architects is the architect on the Hard Rock Hotel project.

The developer also requested permission to demolish three adjacent historic buildings before taking down the hotel. Two of the properties belong to companies owned by Mohan Kailas, who is also the majority owner of 1031 Canal Street Development. The third belongs to Todd Trosclair, CEO of All-Star Electric, a minority partner with the developer.


帕姆·拉德克·罗素(Pam Radtke Russell)和杰夫·鲁本斯通(Jeff Rubenstone)