
latest BLS annual report关于12月17日发布的致命工作场所事故表明,私营部门去年私营部门有1,008个建设死亡,而2017年971年。

这industry’s fatal accident rate held even, at 9.5 per 100,000 full-time-equivalent workers.

Last year's rate represents a decrease from 2016 and 2015, when the figure was 10.1.

Among construction sectors, deaths in the heavy and civil engineering segment climbed 18% in 2018, to 180 from 152, and fatalities in buildings construction increased slightly, to 200 in 2018, from 196 in the previous year.


建设理发性图表“src=In an encouraging result, BLS pointed out that the number of fatalities caused by falls, slips and trips—among all industries— declined 11% in 2018, to 791. That compares with a high for this BLS data series of 887 in 2017.


Loren Sweatt, the Labor Dept.’s principal deputy assistant secretary of occupational safety and health, also highlighted the improvement in falls. She said in a statement, “Enforcement efforts helped abate more than 7,000 fall-related hazards in the construction industry.”

Greg Sizemore,相关建筑商和承包商在一份电子邮件发表的声明中表示,“作为一个行业,我们有责任确保我们的劳动力的身心健康和安全仍然是我们的第1名优先事项。”新利18备用

Sizemore added, "This requires an all-of-the-above approach to implementing, assessing and fine-tuning best safety practices."

He said that includes focusing on "leading indicators," such as jobsite "toolbox talks," and "lagging indicators," to mitigate on-site future risks.

Chris Trahan Cain,北美洲建筑贸易工会(Nabtu)的安全和健康总监(Nabtu)通过电子邮件发言,“虽然在工作中遇难的建筑工人数量仍然太高,但Nabtu很高兴率没有增加。新利18备用“

She added, "It is good news that the number of fatal falls [in the construction industry] has decreased more than 12% from 2017, however the numbers of fatalities from other causes have risen." Cain said, "We will look closer at the data to determine where we need to increase education and outreach efforts to address preventable traumatic injury deaths in our industry."

Story updated on 12/19/19 with comments from the building trades unions.