今年早些时候,Aecom Hunt在印第安纳波利斯附近的Walnut Grove小学上完成了建筑,该建筑在原本未开发的绿色遗址上建造。但是,不需要在设计软件中建立新的网站模型。AECOM Hunt在Autodesk Civil 3D工作,具有针对GIS数据的高程和曲线边缘数据,并补充了无人机捕获。这些混合数据用于跟踪开挖工作,而美化的工作人员在不得不验证成绩时甚至将其用于数量起飞。

Prior to GIS giant Esri and BIM software vendor Autodesk’s partnership on a data-sharing initiative, that particular workflow would have been much less smooth, requiring AECOM Hunt’s designers to slowly recreate the site’s geospatial data in their BIM software.

“Having the new data compatibility has accelerated our process,” says Russ Dalton, BIM/VDC manager at AECOM Hunt. “The workflow is the same but faster. Our process is more efficient with the elimination of manual steps transferring data, and the automation is less prone to human error.”

道尔顿说,在合作伙伴关系之前,AECOM Hunt将访问AutoCAD地图内的ESRI数据,并通过指向单独程序的链接。新的过程加快了其工作流程,而AECOM Hunt可以直接将激光雷达数据直接同步到其修订模型中。

到此为止,ESRI首席执行官杰克·丹蒙德(Jack Dangermond)一直是多年来的目标,他长期以来一直为其公司生产的产品吹捧开放性。ESRI成立于加利福尼亚州雷德兰兹的非营利环境系统研究所,现在是世界上最大的GIS软件提供商,负责监督广泛使用的映射标准ArcGI。Dangermond认为,将GIS数据直接传到建筑中,可以帮助环境,并创造他认为对应对气候变化的效率。

“这与开放数据无关,而是关于将工具连接到数据级别的工具,以便爆炸!这只是改变了事情,” Dangermond在今年早些时候在Autodesk University的媒体问答中说。“世界上有一个GIS的视野,整个工程,建筑,设计,建立世界的视野。对于那些不知道的人来说,GIS的观点是我们衡量事物,我们可以看到事物。然后我们进行分析,并支持设计工具,然后人们采取行动。”他说。

As Dalton explains, Dangermond and Autodesk CEO Andrew Anagnost’s agreement in November of 2017 was only the beginning of the process to share the data. That effort required engineers from each company to build data workflows that were useful for the other side, a process that meant long hours of development for teams at both companies. AECOM is a strategic partner with both Autodesk and Esri and was eager to get in on that pilot effort.

AECOM项目技术全球总监John Kizior说:“我们参加了许多用户测试阶段,此外还提供了反馈。”他说:“我们鼓励所有用户就任何BIM/GIS工作流或新使用情况提供积极反馈。”

One unexpected use that came out of those sessions was putting BIM data into GIS and not the other way around. In an Australian infrastructure project, an AECOM design team started with CAD/liDAR and then created a model directly in Revit as a BIM. The client wanted to see the model moved into a GIS environment to prove the workflow. Architects and engineers from AECOM extracted an IFC file from Revit and then moved it into ArcGIS.

“This grounded the model by putting it into its actual location in space,” says Antoine Burdett, AECOM principal for information management in Brisbane. “It gives us the ability to see critical infrastructure upgrades and modifications and help clients understand how proposed designs will impact them geographically. We are using liDAR to BIM and then moving it into GIS with attributes.”


“What we’re doing is integrating our contextual data right into Revit or into Civil 3D or into Infraworks or AutoCAD, so that they can read our services,” Dangermond said. “It’s not enough to be open data. It’s about doing the hard engineering work to bring that contextualized data directly into the system and then support field operations and do analytics and then do digital delivery across the web.”