North Dakota contractor Fisher Sand and Gravel’s efforts to build U.S.-Mexico border walls are generating new work, but also lots of new controversy and pushback.

The U.S. Defense Dept Inspector General has agreed to probe the firm's win of its first big federal border wall contract, for $400-million awarded Dec. 2 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Arizona.

The investigation was requested Dec. 4 by the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, linking the award o numerous pitches made to President Donald Trump on Fox News cable channels by firm President Tommy Fisher and questioning the firm's capabilities.


The company has not responded to ENR, but Tommy Fisher said on Dec. 12 that there would be “nothing to find” in an audit, and that the firm was told it was "the lowest price and the best value," according to an Associated Press report.

同时,联邦和州当局在德克萨斯州里奥格兰德(Rio Grande)沿线的私人土地部分上发布了限制命令,以阻止费舍尔(Fisher)的工作,法律文件宣称该宣称未经授权且未实现。

Committee chairman Rep. Bernie Thompson (D-Miss.) has asked the U.S. Defense Dept. Inspector General’s office to review the Corps award to Fisher to design and build a border structure in the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in Yuma County, Ariz.

A DOD announcement said the firm will receive $270 million to build 31 miles of wall by the target date of Dec. 30, 2020, with the rest of the contract funds awarded if options are exercised.

Try, Try Again

The federal wall construction contract win is the first for Fisher, despite numerous previous attempts—including its submission of a border wall prototype design in 2017 and successful bid protests and a court challenge earlier this year of other wall contract awards from which it had been barred from bidding.

Thompson said Fisher had not been awarded a construction contract prior to Dec. 2 because its proposals reportedly did not meet the operational requirements of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

“Nevertheless, President Trump has personally repeatedly urged [the Corps] to award construction contracts” to the firm, he said, adding that U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security officials toured a private border barrier being built by Fisher in New Mexico a week before the Corps award. El Paso, Texas, Border Patrol sector chief Gloria Chavez told reporters that the private wall allowed more effective border enforcement in the area.

But Thompson said administration actions “raise concerns about the possibility of inappropriate influence on contracting decisions.”

He asked the IG to review Fisher’s bid to ensure it met solicitation standards and that the award was made in line with federal procurement law and regulations. Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), whose district includes Cabeza Prieta, supports a review of the contract, saying “it’s being facilitated by shady handouts and blatant corruption.”


“Companies are awarded contracts when they are determined to provide the best value to the government for the particular procurement action undertaken,” the agency said. “It is not uncommon for companies that submit offers on government contracts over a period of time to provide both unsuccessful and successful offers.”A Corps spokesman said it has not received any bid protests of the award.

Fisher did not respond to an ENR inquiry related to the award, but in a statement, Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), who media reports say received a $10,000 campaign donation from Tommy Fisher, said in a statement, “I know they will do very well, performing high quality work at a good bargain.” He told the Washington Post that the firm submitted “an acceptable design with the low bid.”

Sen. John Hoeven, (R-N.D.), said on his Senate website that Fisher "has the right experience to build the wall on the southern border.”

Related to Fisher’s private wall building, a state court in Hidalgo County, Texas, on Dec. 3 issued the temporary halt to its project near Mission, Texas, following a complaint filed by the North American Butterfly Association/National Butterfly Center, which claims flood risks from the 3.5-mile structure to its immediately adjacent property.



州法官基诺·瓦斯克斯(Keno Vasquez)在授予限制令时说:“被告已故意,恶意和主观意图对原告造成巨大伤害。”

“They can do what they want on private property, but what they can’t do is damage others.”

– Javier Pena, Butterfly Center attorney


The center says excavation and construction adjacent to its property will cause surface water diversion onto its property, changing erosion patterns that could destroy portions of land.


Federal Injunction

The U.S. Justice Dept. also filed a complaint to stop unauthorized land clearing and construction by Fisher and We Build the Wall along the Rio Grande because the work lacked a permit required by international treaty from the International Boundary and Water Commission.

The federal temporary restraining order, issued Dec. 5, prohibits Fisher from “constructing a bollard structure, wall or similar structure, pouring concrete or any other permanent structure within the floodplain of the Rio Grande or shaving or cutting of the bank” until it complies with international treaty rules.



The complaint also noted “scant detail about the planned work on the bank of the Rio Grande.”

Fisher began clear-cutting a 120-ft-wide swath along the Rio Grande and has completely cleared almost the entire riverbank without a permit, Justice said.


News reports confirmed that construction has continued after both orders were issued.


– 'Foreman Mike', We Build the Wall, activist border wall advocacy group

“We are getting it built,” Brian Kolfage, founder of We Build the Wall, said on the day of the state-issued halt. He posted a video depicting a burly hard hat-wearing field manager named “Foreman Mike,” who explains how Fisher subcontractor Stinger Bridge & Iron would begin placing bollard panels within 48 hours and would complete the wall by Jan. 15. “We have to supercharge it now,” he said. His role with project participants could not be confirmed.

The Hidalgo County sheriff’s office said it was told by the builders that construction was not going to stop, according to U.K. publication The Guardian, which documented on Dec. 6 that work was continuing.
