

Instead of fearing those things, we should see this disruption as an opportunity to not necessarily engineer faster or at lower costs, but to engineer better. This is the time for more optioneering, for finding more sustainable solutions, and for improving quality and safety. The last time we experienced a fear for commoditization of engineering services was during the global financial crisis of 2008. Pricing pressures were pervasive, but at that time the delivery methods for these services were generally the same. While technology was evolving and advancing, it remained a very linear process with hand offs and file exchanges.


他们与我们现在经常称为第四次工业革命的其他许多非常进步的自动化技术一起做到了这一点 - 物理和虚拟世界的融合。这些变化产生了强烈的自动化,并为更复杂和协作的供应链关系奠定了基础。


Atkins embraced the disruption and broadcasted a call to action for design firms and the contractors they work with early on. It was a commitment to shape how disruption could bring better value and outcomes. In early 2014, we began careful investigation of our own global revenue portfolio, recognizing that nearly a third of that portfolio was delivering detailed design and about another 15-20% was in some type of construction management and supervision. Considering the services most targeted for automation, we saw nearly half of our global revenues subject to material change.





You may be part of a large organization with a longstanding professional software development and delivery practice. Maybe it is a separate service offering, discrete from the traditional engineering services. Your organization can integrate from within and leverage the professional software skills to modernize its engineering service delivery. Perhaps your organization lacks these internal capabilities. Now is the time to start developing and cultivating them. You can also drive partnerships and alliances to achieve similar results. Whether the offering is developed from within or through partnerships, prepare for failures, but allow for creativity and investment.


唐娜·休伊(Donna Huey)是阿特金斯(Atkins)北美的高级副总裁兼技术总监,支持客户管理数字干扰带来的机遇和挑战。她在工程和环境咨询服务方面拥有超过25年的经验,重点是应用技术和创新。休伊(Huey)于1996年与他人共同创立了阿特金斯北美的商业IT业务,后来启动了她地区的第一个正式技术研发计划。