n Western Pennsylvania—the cradle of the aged United States steel industry—steelmaking has a bright future, thanks to a commitment by US Steel Corp. to spend more than $1 billion upgrading facilities at its three-plant Mon Valley Works.

该公司最近宣布,将投资于the three mills just outside Pittsburgh, in the region’s so-called “Mon Valley,” which is set alongside the Monongahela River. It’s a historic home to steelmaking and an important area for seminal moments in union history, including the Homestead Strike of 1892.

我t is unclear exactly when bids will be solicited for the work. But it should happen within the next six months or so, company officials say.

As part of the improvements, $900,000 in upgrades will feature an endless casting and rolling facility that will be installed at the Edgar Thomson Plant, in Braddock, Pa., thereby increasing production at the facility, according to US Steel. Endless casting and rolling technology combines thin slab casting and hot rolled band production, greatly reducing energy consumption. US Steel says the mill will be the first of its type in the U.S. and one of just several such facilities in the world.

The overall plan of the improvements is to transform the Mon Valley Works—comprised of the Clairton Plant, Edgar Thomson Plant, and Irvin Works, which is located in West Mifflin, Pa.—into US Steel’s main source of substrate to be used to make the lighter, high-strength steels that are used in the auto industry.


Arvediis performing the preconstruction design for the upgrades.

我t is unclear exactly when bids will be solicited for the work. But it should happen within the next six months or so, company officials say.

“基于当前的项目计划,我们打算在2020年中期对当地承包商进行所有对所有Mon Valley出价的询问,”美国钢铁公司发言人Amanda Malkowski说。

克莱尔顿工厂的升级将采用共同发电设施,该设施将通过共同开发设施将焦炭烤箱的一部分转换为电力。共同发电产生的电力将有助于为Mon Valley的工程提供动力,包括为Edgar Thomson Works计划的新的无尽铸造和滚动设施。

Hard Hit By Big Steel Collapse

布拉多克(Braddock)在一个世纪前与钢铁工人,商店,商人和新来的移民劳动者及其家人一起熙熙tak,自1980年代美国大钢铁(Big Steel)崩溃以来,它就受到了巨大的打击。该镇的人口暴跌。不过,近年来,一群敬业的居民 - 包括前市长约翰·费特曼(John Fetterman),现在是宾夕法尼亚州长,他们努力为该镇带来更多的曝光,并使其变得更加活跃。

The results are impressive: in addition to a Levi’s commercial and several movies and other ads filmed there, entrepreneurs also have moved into town.
New additions include a micro-brewery and renowned chef Kevin Sousa's Superior Motors, an upscale restaurant situated across from the entrance of the Edgar Thomson Works.


Actor David Conrad, who grew up in Pittsburgh’s Edgewood section, moved several years ago to Braddock, where he bought a property. He’s glad about the news from US Steel. “It’s great that US Steel will invest in the Edgar Thomson Works," Conrad says. "Without the sound of that beast humming, Braddock would be a lesser place.”



“我们的碳排放量将减少,和开放l air quality will improve through significant reductions in particulate matter, including sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides at our Mon Valley facilities,” the company said in a press release.

美国钢says it expects both plant improvement projects to make Mon Valley Works’ energy consumption more efficient, and to improve compliance with environmental standards. “The new advanced steelmaking technology and state-of-the-art co-generation facility will reduce emissions in comparison to the existing Caster, Hot Strip and Clairton boilers,” the company says.



The upgrades to the Clairton plant follow not long after major upgrades there several years ago.

2012年,Graycor工业承包商在克莱尔顿工厂(Clairton Plant)的美国钢铁公司(US Steel Corp.)的C电池进行了5亿美元的升级。可乐电池包括84个烤箱,其中灰色机组人员铺设了240万块耐火砖。他们还安装了一个可乐处理系统,一个160英尺的低排放淬火塔,废热管和堆栈,以及所有新的可乐电池机械均驶向Monongahela河。

The small Mon Valley towns—including McKeesport, which has a steel pipe plant owned by US Steel that was reinvigorated in recent years due to the boom in hydraulic fracturing for natural gas—depend upon industry, and in particular, steel and its associated fabrication facilities, for the health of their local economies.

就西米夫林(人口20,000)而言,欧文工厂的生存能力被认为是必不可少的,因为该工厂对社区是命脉。西米夫林市长克里斯·凯利(Chris Kelly)在附近的霍姆斯特德(Homestead)长大,曾经是世界上最大的钢铁厂的所在地。他说,美国钢铁公司大型投资的消息是“令人兴奋的,因为[投资]帮助蒙谷的所有设施都在工作。”“这将降低美国钢铁的成本并增加人员配备。新利18备用官网登录它将使设施更快,更好,并导致更多的增长。”