The text of this article as updated on Nov. 24, 2019 to reflect new information.


现在,新奥尔良市已经有一个多月的时间逃离了灾难,说整个建筑物将被拆除。市长办公室于11月12日宣布,该建筑物的所有者1031 Canal Development LLC已签约Kolb Grading LLC及其子公司DEM/Tech,以对剩余结构进行受控内爆。市长办公室在给媒体的一份声明中说,爆炸后,搜索和救援团队将恢复两个仍处于不稳定结构的建筑工人的遗体。预计最早将在2020年1月进行拆除。


In the aftermath of the crane implosions, ENR has learned that the unorthodox plan to bring down the two damaged tower cranes at the site came from an ongoing assessment from structural engineers, demolition experts and city and state officials that took quick decision-making and clever thinking.

“We were first contacted on Saturday [Oct. 12] and were on the site Sunday at 7 a.m.,” recalls David Griffin of demolition contractor D.H. Griffin, who was brought in by the City of New Orleans. “Initially we were there to figure out what had just happened, but it didn’t take long to see we had to deal with the cranes.” Griffin put in a call to John Abruzzo and Gary Panariello, structural engineers at Thornton Tomasetti with a history of investigating collapsed buildings. He also called up Mark Loizeaux of Controlled Demolition Inc., to consult. It was the first time they had seen each other as a group since working together at Ground Zero in New York City after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

“So on Monday morning, Gary went and looked at the cranes and I looked at the structure,” says Abruzzo. “We were still trying to establish where the collapse zone was.” Panariello could see significant damage to the tower cranes, with all tie-ins clearly deformed and the towers way out of plumb. “There was significant deflection in one crane, cantilevering more than 250 ft in the air,” recalls Panariello. “Both cranes were bent and had significant amounts of debris pushing against the tower.” Panariello saw that the danger zone was much larger than first thought. “We had to do something. The cranes were in danger of falling while firefighters were still doing search and rescue.”

来自起重机制造商Liebherr的工程师Renaldo Schweiger乘飞机,提供了起重机的完整示意图,该示意图在300英尺和250英尺处被超载,有失败的风险。Panariello说:“我们开始谈论爆炸物,因为这意味着您不必长时间将人在起重机下面。”“我们还与利布尔(Liebherr)和[Crane所有者] Morrow设备得出结论,这些起重机是一项注销。”

Other options, such as tying off the cranes to the building with wire rope, were explored, but Abruzzo says the instability of the building ruled that out. “And we didn’t want to put people on them. We needed to do this as cleanly as possible.”

While it was a team effort and the city and state officials had to sign off on it, Panariello admits the controlled demolition was his idea. “But it was a consensus opinion,” he adds.

Loizeaux got the sign-off on a controlled implosion to drop the cranes on Tuesday, and within a few days CDI crews were placing explosive charges at key points on the cranes. While Loizeaux concedes that demolishing two tower cranes in the middle of a city is unusual, CDI followed standard procedures for felling steel structures. The blast dropped the boom and counterweight of each crane before breaking each tower halfway up. This kept the debris within the footprint of the collapse, a huge relief for the entire disaster response team.

艾布鲁佐说:“我们之前做了很多建模:可能会发生的事情很多。”“但是我不认为一个上部会翻转和草坪朝地面,” Panariello迅速补充说:“我做到了。”