Update: the content of this article has been updated on 10/20/19



现在证实了三名建筑工人死亡:49岁的安东尼·玛格尔特(Anthony Magrette),来自86岁的德莱沃尔分包商King Cos。,36岁的Quinnyon Wimberly,机械和管道分包商区域机械服务,以及63岁的Jose Ponce Arreola,Masonry Sonryry Suntractors Rushor Rush陆军。大约有30人在崩溃中受伤,但只有1人需要长期住院。



The two Leibherr tower cranes at the site were brought down in a controlled demolition on the afternoon of Oct. 20 using carefully placed charges that separated the jib and counter-jib from each crane and broke the towers roughly halfway up. The cranes, which stood at 300 ft and 270 ft, fell mostly onto the street, with the upper tower, cab and jib of one of the cranes coming to rest against the top of the damaged Hard Rock hotel structure.

The team of engineers that designed the implosion included consultants from crane owner Morrow Equipment, crane manufacturer Liebherr, as well as demolition contractor Controlled Demolition, Inc.

At a press conference following the demolition on Oct. 20, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell said "we are safer now than we have been in the past eight days." With the cranes no longer posing a significant threat to the surrounding area, the focus shifts to recovering the remains of two victims still in the partially collapsed building, she added.

新奥尔良消防局长蒂姆·麦康奈尔(T​​im McConnell)说:“我认为它不会变得更好。”“这比看起来更好。”

The plan had been for the debris from the falling cranes to fall entirely within the building site, and according to McConnell they almost succeeded at that. "The front crane went as we expected it to do, the rear crane came down where the building had already partially collapsed." The two 40-ton counterweights from the cranes were severed from their towers during the implosions, and did fall outside the site. "The weights missed the building by a few feet," said McConnell. "[They] hit the sidewalk and the street, and hit a sewer line." While the damage to the sewer line will need to be repaired, there was a relief among officials as the more crucial electric and gas lines running beneath Rampart St. were left unharmed. Minor damage was reported at the historic Saenger Theatre across the street, but the debris from the cranes' implosion appeared to have missed the surrounding buildings.


Mayor Cantrell laid out the next steps for the project, including her call for the complete demolition of the partially collapsed hotel. "The [engineers'] assessment will determine what those next steps will be toward a full demolition," she said. "I don't want anything salvaged on this site, I want a complete demolition."



Engineers and emergency responders raced against the clock and an approaching tropical storm on Oct. 18 in preparations to demolish the two unstable cranes towering over the collapsed Hard Rock Hotel building — to bring down nearly 145,000 lb of steel, according to officials.

“We’ve developed a close relationship with these engineers, and they understand the gravity and unpredictability of the situation. They’ve called this, even in their realm, unique. To have a building collapse with two damaged cranes, this is a very, very dangerous situation,” New Orleans Homeland Security Director Collin Arnold said at the press briefing on Oct. 18.



The initial demolition plan was to place explosives at various points on the crane towers and to cut the crane structures with torches to weaken them. This was expected to cause the cranes to collapse in place, according to officials. “It will be very, very fast, and very minimal,” McConnell said. After visual inspections on Oct. 19 however, he said that the plan had changed. "The cranes are more damaged than they thought," McConnell said during a press briefing on Oct. 19.



On Oct. 17, a lawsuit was filed in state court in New Orleans on behalf of ten people injured in the New Orleans Hard Rock building collapse. The suit alleges negligence on the part of several project team companies in both the construction and design of the building.

The suit names the project owners 1031 Canal Development and Kalais Cos., as well as structural engineer Heaslip Engineering, general contractor Citadel Builders and architect Harry Baker Smith Architects II (HBSA II). Brian Trascher, a spokesman for Citadel Builders and the other project team members declined to comment to ENR regarding the lawsuit.

With many of the details of the accident still emerging, the suit is based largely on details that are still being established. “The primary goal is to get to the bottom of exactly what happened, and make sure that nothing like this ever happens again,” said Steve Herman of Herman Herman & Katz and Rene Rocha of Morgan & Morgan, which filed the suit, said in a press statement.

By Jeff Rubenstone, with reporting from Autumn Cafiero Giusti in New Orleans

The text of this article has been updated to reflect new information.