If there’s one thing clear about the National Transportation Safety Board’s recent release of documents on last year’s Florida International University bridge collapse, it’s that the spin machines have been running at full speed. As expected, contractor MCM and engineer FIGG Bridge Engineers, the pedestrian bridge’s contractor-led design-build team, have accused each other of being at fault.



The first is constructibility, as it relates to the bridge design’s independent peer review.


路易斯·伯杰集团(Louis Berger Group)与FIGG合同进行了61,000美元的合同,该审查已成为一个闪点。


Berger certified that the peer review was conducted according to state rules, but FIGG now claims that “Louis Berger, unbeknownst to FIGG, completely failed in their role” by not analyzing loads when the bridge was moved and not reviewing truss connections in greater detail.


A more important concept is redundancy in the bridge design. A U.S. Labor Dept. OSHA report on the disaster released in June criticized FIGG for producing a bridge design that is non-redundant.

The report defined redundancy as multiple load paths that would prevent total collapse if one structural component or system failed.

FIGG argues that there are two other types of redundancy in addition to load paths. One is internal redundancy, in which a member is composed of multiple parallel elements. Another is a different type of structural redundancy, the engineer says, “due to static indeterminacy such as structures continuous over support.”


