随着施工过程中收集的数字数据的数量不断增长,利益相关者要求更好地了解项目的表现。新利18备用网址从后台处理的成本和财务数据开始,Viewpoint Construction软件宣布了一个新的基于云的分析平台,它希望最终会发现利润淡入淡出甚至整体劳动力绩效中的隐藏联系。

“We’re pulling in data from many sources, into these data lakes,” explains Matt Harris, chief product and strategy officer at Viewpoint. The company has announced ViewpointOne, a new dashboard and benchmarking tool to view project data from many sources, including financial information, project management systems and field data.

As of now, ViewpointOne is meant to give basic feedback on project performance, but Harris says the next step is building a robust analytics system to offer advice on project management and cost decisions. “Ultimately we want to turn this data into a predictive model to help predict the future,” he says.

At first, Viewpoint Analytics will focus on profit fade, offering top-level project and company managers an indicator on when their financial numbers are starting to slide out of control.

But before that can happen, Viewpoint has to get that data into a usable state. That’s where the new cloud-based dashboard ViewpointOne comes in. This platform, which come with a monthly subscription, will be the place to share data among various Viewpoint products. Harris also tells ENR that ViewpointOne will also serve as an integration point with the cloud-based, project-data services of Trimble, which acquired Viewpoint in 2018. “[Trimble] has a wealth of technology for field information capture that we can weave into our office, team and field platform,” says Harris.

早期采用者已经将其数据馈送到观点的分析系统中。密苏里州堪萨斯城的Garney Construction已开始清理其数十年的数字项目数据,以融入Viewpoint的新系统。“我们为所有会计使用频谱,我们确实将其用作数据仓库,” Garney Construction副总裁兼公司总裁Meggan Krase说。她说,分析将使该公司的领导能力更好地了解其项目如何在全国发展。新利18备用网址“我们的领导层在该领域工作,现在他们可以感到有些切断。分析可以为他们提供有关我们在那里表现的更好信息。”