迈克尔·哈勒,president of Detroit contractor Walbridge, is set to become CEO, succeeding约翰。拉克尔塔Jr .)根据当地媒体报道中引用的公司宣布,他将离开该公司成为美国驻阿拉伯联合酋长国的大使。美国参议院于9月17日证实了拉科尔塔的任命,但有报道称该首席执行官过渡日期未记录。他于2018年3月被总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)提名为该职位,此后一直空缺。

Rakolta, 72, has been chairman and CEO of Walbridge since 1993. Haller, who the company says joined it in 1973, was named corporate president in 2015 and also is industrial division president. Walbridge ranks at No. 59 on ENR’s Top 400 Contractors list, reporting $1.34 billion in 2018 construction revenue. According to reports, Rakolta is a major Republican Party fundraiser and was a Trump campaign finance committee member in Michigan. He would be the first non-career diplomat to be UAE ambassador, reports say.


理查德·罗宾逊上个月下旬辞去了HS2 Ltd.首席运营官的辞职,这家英国巨型高速铁路网络HS2公司HS2公司。它仅在2018年9月加入该公司,说他离开了“在私营部门担任新的高级职务”。他的新职位没有被披露,他的继任者没有被确定。鲁滨逊曾在其欧洲,中东,印度和非洲地区的AECOM担任民事基础设施首席执行官。HS2最近表示,项目完成的费用可能高达10060亿美元,直到2040年。英国官员将在年底决定项目工作将如何进行。

总部位于蒙特利尔的全球设计公司WSP Global Inc.刘易斯·康奈尔(Lewis P. Cornell)其美国业务的总裁兼首席执行官于10月15日生效。康奈尔成功格雷戈里·凯利(Gregory A. Kelly),who will become CEO of Heritage Construction and Materials this month, according to information announcing the new role that ENR obtained. The firm is part of The Heritage Group, an Indianapolis privately-held group of companies in construction, materials, environmental services, specialty chemicals and energy. Most recently, Kelly was WSP Global’s global director of major projects and programs.

The Environmental Financial Consulting Group (EFCG), a leading financial, leadership development, management and growth strategy consultant to architects, engineers and construction firms. has transitioned its ownership and leadership. Its new owners and managing partners are丽贝卡·佐弗纳斯(Rebecca Zofnass),全球顾问Bain&Co。的前经理;朱莉·哈西巴(Julie Hasiba),埃森哲战略咨询小组的前经理;和杰西卡·巴克莱(Jessica Barclay),他领导了一家房地产私募股权公司Black Creek Group的关键销售团队,是高盛和JP Morgan的高管。Zofnass领导EFCG的财务和战略咨询实践;哈西巴领导公司的执行会议;巴克莱领导其合并和收购(并购)咨询实践。EFCG创始人兼前总统Paul Zofnassnow is chairman. EFCG has 15 full-time professionals, of which 40% are women. The firm's annual CEO conference is set for Oct. 28-30 in New York City. For more information on the conference and other EFCG programs,点击这里。

路易斯·阿姆斯特朗(Louis Armstrong),圣地亚哥设计与建筑服务公司Kleinfelder,Group Inc.的总裁现在担任首席执行官的额外角色。在这个职位上,他成功了George J. Pierson该公司说,成为执行董事长,将专注于收购和战略计划。阿姆斯特朗(Armstrong)于2017年加入Kleinfelder担任执行副总裁,并于1月成为总裁。他曾是AECOM执行副总裁兼太平洋地区总经理。皮尔森(Pierson)自2016年起首席执行官,曾任帕森斯·布林克霍夫(Parsons Brinckerhoff)的总裁兼首席执行官,该公司于2014年被WSP Global收购。

阿卡迪斯(Arcadis)命名Nilesh Parmaras its first chief entrepreneur for its UK operations. He was the Dutch design firm’s London-based regional leader for manufacturing, logistics and technology work. The new role was created to “bring entrepreneurial flair to new business creation,” says Arcadis.

Alliance Architects Inc., Richardson Texas has elevated芭芭拉·凯雷斯(Barbara A. Caires)致高级副总裁。她继续领导并指导公司的室内设计团队。

纽约市的设计公司Thornton-Tomasettii已于1月1日宣布了管理继任。Peter DiMaggio和校长Michael Squarzini成为联合首席执行官;现任首席执行官兼董事长汤姆·斯卡兰格洛将担任执行董事长。华盛顿特区的管理校长Wayne Stocks成为总统,将领导该公司的业务部门,以及旧金山的董事总经理Gary Panariello。总统雷蒙德·达达齐奥将成为高级顾问。He also is chairman-elect of the American Council of Engineering Companies of New York.

Jim Ray该公司表示,该公司已加入堪萨斯城的HNTB Corp,担任公司总裁兼执行总裁。最近,他是一家咨询公司的创始人兼总裁,还是运输部长Elaine Chao的高级基础设施顾问,也是管理顾问毕马威(KPMG)的合伙人。雷还曾在美国运输部以及管理与预算办公室任职最高的法律和行政职务。


Peter A. Lyons,71是一位著名的专业服务市场营销和业务发展主管,于9月5日在佐治亚州玛丽埃塔(Marietta)因在线ob告和纪念活动而去世。最近,他曾担任Epsten Group Inc.的项目开发总监。在众多行业职位中,他是一个营销专业服务学会,国家董事会成员和分会主席。